connecting two tanks


life's a beach
I want to run two tanks in line with eachother. I know ill need bulkd heads, lines, and a return pump. But what sizes and what else? Where can I order this stuff from?

Thanks much.
You can get most of it from Bulk Reef Supply or FlexPVC.

What size bulkheads will be determined on what size the tanks are and how much water you want to move between them.

Once you know how much water you want moving through the tanks, you can then pick your bulkheads.

Once you know the bulkhead sizes and desired water flow - you can pick a return pump.

If you check this chart, it will show vertical flow and I think a few horizontal flow rates:
Bulkhead Flow Rate Art

Plumbing ,Drill Bits , Overflows , Uniseals - English

Product Listing - Bulkhead-Fittings

If you tell me how big each tank is, how high they are - vertical separation? or horizontal to each other? -- how much water you want to move

I can help you figure it all out. Need details. :Cheers:

The tanks are two 10g tanks. They will be stacked one on top of the other, about 8-10" from the bottom of the top tank to the top of the bottom tank. I'm going to attempt to drill the bottom of the tank(it's tempered : / ) If I crack 1, I'll drill the side, or I might replace the bottom pain of glass and drill that. Having the hole on the bottom would make things soo much easier.

I'm not sure what the appropriate amount of water movement would be. I'm making a frag tank for softies and maybe LPS.

I plan to have the tanks stacked one on top of the other in a stand, a little under a foot apart. The bottom tank will have that HOB skimmer/refugium you linked me in that other thread. Both tanks will have their own set of lights.

How bad an idea is this? I only have about 23" in the little corner I want to put this in, so I can't use anything bigger than a 10g. I can put two in the stand I plan on buying...only way I can figure to make the most out of the space I have.

Thanks RC!
If its tempered, dont even attempt to drill it. It will just shatter into tiny little pieces.

I found an article online at work about doing it that people had commented on saying the technique worked...I just wanted to try it. I printed it out but left it in my locker.

I understand how tempered glass is made, and how its prone to shatter after a layer is broken. But like I said, 1 try. Either I move on and drill the side of the next one, or I can replace the glass and do it the way I want to anyhow.
Hey, if you're going to try to drill tempered glass, there's no harm in trying it on a 10 gallon tank. Worst case scenario -- you're out $10 to $12 bucks. No biggie.
And I'm certain it WILL crack..but at least I can say I tried it. Reading how it's made and why it cracks makes it pretty clear there's no way around it. But the article had like 15 I've gotta give it a shot. Wish I could remember where I got it.

So, bulkhead, line, pump sizing?!? :P I have Wednesday and Thursday off. Want to get as much done as I can!
I'm not sure a 10g tank IS tempered on the bottom. It's not big enough to warrant tempered glass. Maybe all tanks have tempered glass on the bottom? I do not know the answer to that.

20x turnover would be my minimum recommendation. 30x is the max I'd recommend for a softie and LPS tank. You need to be able to drain 300gph out of the top tank. Check the bulkhead chart I linked too earlier and confirm. I believe you need a 1" bulkhead. That should actually drain about 350GPH, but thats fine. A little overkill on the drain line won't hurt.

I don't understand why you want to drill a hole in the bottom of one tank. I'm assuming you want to drill the top tank so it feeds into the bottom one by dumping out the bottom of that top tank.

For a pump, you're only going uphill about 1 foot. Maybe 18" max. Not much head pressure, so pump losses will be minimal. I'd probably get a pump that does 300-350GPH. That will be plenty of flow and you'll still loose a little in the return plumbing lines via friction and a couple elbows. If you lost NOTHING it still couldn't pump fast enough to flood the top tank. The top tank should drain out 350GPH+/- so a pump rated at 300GPH ain't gonna overfill that top tank faster than it can drain out and run back to the sump.

Let me know if you need anymore help. I picture of what you're trying to do would help. :Cheers:
I'm working on a pic. After I get it done and uploaded I'll post it. Tomorrow I'm buying another tank and the stand...then you'll see exactly what I want to do.

I got halfway through cutting a hole when I saw spiders :*( So that was my 1 attempt. I still feel accomplished somewhat because I got the hole half cut!

Next tank it's going on the back. Can I make an overflow out of acrylic and put it on the back of the tank? Or can I use just a straight bulkhead with a sponge stuffed in it? Is it difficult to make an overflow? How are they attached? Like to put it in the middle-back of the tank as opposed to the corner.

Also, when you say a 300g pump..what type of pump should I be using? Would a MJ1200 work or am I not thinking the right way?

Can I make an overflow out of acrylic and put it on the back of the tank?

Yes, you can make your own overflow. It's just a 3-sided box with a bottom. The top is open and has the teeth cut in.

Or can I use just a straight bulkhead with a sponge stuffed in it?
I wouldn't do that. See the strainer picture.

Is it difficult to make an overflow?
I've never done it, but it looks pretty simple. You'd need the acrylic cut to size and the teeth have to be routered in. Teeth are usually about 1.25" deep or 1.5" deep. You need a special acrylic glue - (weld on?)

How are they attached?
Silicone. Just slap a bead around the edge and stick it to the side of a clean tank. Put the tank on it's side so the silicone can dry without the overflow moving. Or prop up some books under the overflow and tape it in place with masking tape for 24hrs.

Like to put it in the middle-back of the tank as opposed to the corner.
Sure! Put it anywhere you want.

Look at these for ideas:
Overflow Boxes - English

Sponge. Take a look at these screened intake strainers:
Product Listing - BulkheadFittingScreens

See the picture at the end of this post. You can buy a bulkhead thats threaded on the INSIDE of the tank. Screw this intake strainer in. Done! It's actually made for vertical mounting, but it works just as good horizontally. I am using 1.5" bulkheads and this strainer just fits inside the overflow boxes that BRS sells. I can get it in there and screw it in or out with my hand. Easy on and off for cleaning. Just enough clearance inside the overflow box so it'll fit in and out.

Also, when you say a 300g pump..what type of pump should I be using? Would a MJ1200 work or am I not thinking the right way?
It might. They don't do very well at pushing water uphill. But you aren't going far with your return water, so I'd probably try it.

If thats not enough flow, you might have to try a Rio 1100 or something closer to 400GPH.


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Wooohoo. Went shopping today. Picked up a bulkhead locally and tried drilling yet another tank. This one went perfect..and I got it on the bottom! Now, next set of questions: I've seen people use straight PVC pipes up from a bulkbead to use as an overflow. Can I do that as well? I seem to remember reading it was loud though, and I really want to avoid that.

Also, when I have the line going from my top tank to the bottom, can I have it go underwater a little bit? Or what's the easiest way to do it? I took some pictures but my card reader is having issues...

RC, I'm going to send you a PM. Thanks for all your help.
Another question I had..what do you use to glue the PVC together. Wasn't sure what chemicals I could use that wouldn't be harmful to the tank. Thanks again guys.
Wooohoo. Went shopping today. Picked up a bulkhead locally and tried drilling yet another tank. This one went perfect..and I got it on the bottom! Now, next set of questions: I've seen people use straight PVC pipes up from a bulkbead to use as an overflow. Can I do that as well? I seem to remember reading it was loud though, and I really want to avoid that.

Also, when I have the line going from my top tank to the bottom, can I have it go underwater a little bit? Or what's the easiest way to do it? I took some pictures but my card reader is having issues...

RC, I'm going to send you a PM. Thanks for all your help.

Put a strainer on the vertical drain pipe. If you don't, it'll suck up snails all the time.

Your drain line from the top tank can go under water in the sump. It's still going to bubble though, so think about putting it in a box to trap the bubbles.
Thanks for getting back to me. Could I do something like a Durso or something similar to reduce noise? I was reading up on those a few minutes ago. seems pretty simple. It might stick out above the tank some, but that'd be OK if it meant the tank was quiet.
Dorso? you just went over my head........

I have heard of it, but no idea what it is or how it works. My plumbing is simple and ghetto. :mrgreen: