clowns and torch


Reefing newb
Before my recent tank switch, my female (who was not paired) was hosting my duncans on the left side of the tank. When I went to my 75 a few weeks ago I added a small mate for her. They instantly took to each other with no problems. I also moved the duncans to the right side of the tank. I put my orange aussie torch on the left side. Now both of them have taken to the torch.

Do I have to worry about the well being of the torch? Should I consider getting an anemone for them? I heard of some horror stories of walking nems in the tank. If I did get an anemone could you suggest ones. I still only have a 75 so I don't want anything massive even though those carpets are pretty looking.
They could very well damage the torch. Clowns can be brutal when they host. But I would not recommend getting an anemone instead -- way too risky, and they may not even take to the anemone. Instead, you should get some hairy or frilly mushrooms. Those corals are tough enough to handle clowns, and clowns seem to love them.
Got 4 nice size hairys shrooms on the bottom. I guess I'll try to move the torch to the other side and see if they'll take to the hairy shrooms. That will be the only frilly item on that side of the tank.
I'll bet you dont move the torch without gittin bit:D
Biffs right.The clowns will more than likely kill your torch unless you can get them away from it.
Yes there is the possibility that the clowns might damage it. Hopefully they wont. If you do get an anenome there is no guarantee that they will go to it.
Its possible that your clowns will hurt your torch. I have 2 true percs that have been hosting my frogspawn for 4 years with no issues.

You could also try an umbrella or toadstool leather I have pink skunks that are hosting one and my perc use to host this until I moved some thing around.

Depending on the type of clowns you have will depend on how ruff they get, smaller clowns like perc and occellaris usually don't do alot of damage, If you choose to get hairy mushrooms be sure to keep them well fed, I have heard of them eating up there little clown hosting friends.
Well I moved the torch to the other side last night. The new male locates it once and awhile. The female doesn't go over to the left side of the tank. And no I didn't get bit while moving it. They were depressed because they kept going back to the spot and just looking at it.

I've had hairy shrooms for awhile. I posted a thread on how they were splitting but I didn't know they were splitting at the time. I have about 4 decent size ones on a rock about baseball size. The female never looked at it ever. I took it off of the sand and put it up on the rock where the torch was. The male has rubbed up against it here and there but the female hasn't gotten to close yet.

I was just getting ready to ditch those shrooms too. There was taking up space for something else cooler. Now there are in my area where I was going to make a torch/hammer garden. Damn clowns.
Are ya'll talkin' this kind?


  • Frilly Mushrooms.jpg
    Frilly Mushrooms.jpg
    51.9 KB · Views: 185
I bought that one in the picture of of
It a bunch of little ones (around 2" each) together. It's about 6" x 6" total.
I think I'm okay, aren't I?