Mega Powerfull Mechanical Filtration algae removal

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So no mechanical filtration? How do you manage to get rid of all debriefs in your tank, dust, etc...

I don't have any debris or dust in my tank to get rid of. Like I said, if you have all these problems, you need to get to the root of them, not add more filters.
here are pics with green alagae caught by the 1 mcron filter.


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can this be happening in a sump?

"Often times power outages, snails and other occurrences can cause a loss of suction, thus producing a flood."

If a power outage causes a flood, you dont have your sump set up right. Never heard of a snail causing a flood either.

And also,
"You can put anything in quotes but unless there is a link or other source material it doesnt mean anything"
Yup, mine used to look like that, same thing in freshwater. But I didnt like changing it all the time.

how often was all the time? One week, two weeks, few days?
The cost of this 1 micron cartrige is 6$
6$ weekly seems to be a fair amount for the greatest filtration it provides.
Often times power outages, snails and other occurrences can cause a loss of suction, thus producing a flood. There are many external overflows on the market that use pump systems to remove air for the overflow’s u-tube, preventing a loss of suction. Using an overflow that is designed in this manner often proves more reliable than the basic models on the market. Also, if you are considering upgrading to a larger tank you can get one that is predrilled for a sump system. This method of running a sump is practically foolproof and once you have a predrilled tank it is highly unlikely you will ever settle for less again.

I pulled that from your article, did you not bother to read the whole thing??
how often was ll the time? One week, two weeks, few days?
The cost of this 1 micron cartrige is 6$
64 weekly seems to be a fair amount for the greatest filtration it provides.

$64 a week? Is that what you are saying? man, I'd be broke in all of two weeks. My sump cost me all of $100, figuring i had it made by a friend and it is now running for free.
$64 a week? Is that what you are saying? man, I'd be broke in all of two weeks. My sump cost me all of $100, figuring i had it made by a friend and it is now running for free.

6$ (was corrected)

Each media change for any canister on the market costs 10-12$
This one is half price.
I really do not see any bad feedbacks against this device i built.
So far so good.
48 hours running with the same 1 microns cartridge. No signs of clogging. I have the same water flux
And because there is only good things on this one i just found on the internet, same cartridges for the same type of filter that removes phosphates. So basically with this device now i can remove phosphates mechanically from the water.
What would i run a sump if my phosphates levels will be kept down?
I will probably build a sump very soon, not that I really need it but just as a project and challenge for me!
I have some other ideas about migration of algae from the main tank to the sump.
qx I have to say you are indeed persistent in finding (or trying to find) another way to re-invent the wheel. Who knows you may just invent a new piece of equipment for the hobbyist. Good luck.
qx I have to say you are indeed persistent in finding (or trying to find) another way to re-invent the wheel. Who knows you may just invent a new piece of equipment for the hobbyist. Good luck.

Yes i often find myself in the delicate position to argue and contest some inventions in a specific field.
For example in the aquarium stuff i cannot accept the prices i am seeing for imported industrial product i knew before.
You people have no idea of how these pet stores owners are ripping you off. Every bit of piece of equipment in the aquariums you can get for at least 3 times cheaper.
I am a mechanical engineer in welding and building of water corps. A damn good one since immigration Canada has took me and gave me a job. You people have no idea how cheap and old these technologies are.
You pay 300-400$ for a metal halides set ups when their real price is close to 20 bucks. A metal halide day light bulb 300 watt costs only 7$ in any industrial supplier.
In Germany a medium protein skimmer cost is about 69 Euros. Here is 800$ and considered superior . C-mon..The entire N America is well known for stealing European technology. The problem is some bastards are just remodeling some old concepts and water equipments and getting rich soodging money out of your generous pocket. Good luck with that!
I must start writing a few myths and realities in this hobby, i can see a lot of misconceptions and people poking around this hobby will all sort of ancient believes including activated carbon. I never saw so many people’s desinformed arguing against activated carbon. Nobody ever did in school proprieties of materials or any other sciences around and they are only talking of what they heard from others.
Protein skimmers, RO water, sumps, cables, tubes, and a lot of work for only two spoons of ferric hydroxide, LOL LOL

I really have to refuse buying a Rena XP3 = 280$ Canister filter 350 gallons / hour when I build one for 40$ 1100 GALLONS / HOUR


I am sure your corals do fine in a 0 everything reef tank. But for how long?
I am sure all of your tanks water chemistry is full of undesired trace elements, A ro water mixed with salt becomes enriched in minerals and trace elements 10 times more than the tap water.
The problems with corals are starting when no alages are left, Algae is food for corals.
I really have to refuse buying a Rena XP3 = 280$ Canister filter 350 gallons / hour when I build one for 40$ 1100 GALLONS / HOUR

But you are okay with making your own filter that you have to change the cartridge once a week, for a price of $6 a week which comes out to $312 a year? $312 is what you will spend every year just to replace the filter cartridges for your home made filter!

You could buy a really high quality protein skimmer for less than that, and it will work for 10 years, no cartridges to buy, no media to replace nothing to spend on it again.

After ten years of running your filter, you will have spent $3,120 on cartridges. And after ten years, I will still have spent just $200 on my protein skimmer, a fraction of what your filtration system costs.

So who ends up wasting all that money now!!! Your math is very very flawed.
I am sure your corals do fine in a 0 everything reef tank. But for how long?

Well, for almost all of my fish, and most of my corals, ten years now!

How long have all your tank inhabitants been living with you for? About two months, because that's how long ago you set up your very first tank. How on earth do you get off thinking that you have a leg to stand on when the extent of your success in this hobby spans a whole two months?

It really irks me that you think you know everything. You may believe that you have all the answers, but one thing you don't have is EXPERIENCE. Another thing you don't have is a PROVEN TRACK RECORD OF BEING ABLE TO KEEP A BEAUTIFUL TANK AND HEALTHY ANIMALS. You seem to have very little respect for those that have been able to successfully keep reef tanks for decades. You learn a lot when you spend a lot of time in this hobby. You learn what works, and what doesn't. Your inability to share in the knowledge of others is quite frankly, disappointing. The single best resource that we have in this hobby is EACH OTHER. And you are failing to take advantage of that resource.

It seems that it has never even occurred to you that you could possibly learn something from other people. And that's a real shame, because this hobby is so much more enjoyable when you are able to share it with other people. I feel sorry for you because you will never understand the joy and pride that comes from being able to look at creatures that you have successfully kept alive, bred, and have watched grow for years thrive in your tank. I feel sorry for you, because you are so close minded and stubborn, that you alienate everyone you talk to. I feel sorry for you, because even though you may have a good idea now and then, most of what you say is so preposterous that you have zero credibility. For god's sake, I feel as though I've had more intelligent conversations with my cats.

There is no substitute for experience, and with a tank that is only a couple months old that has been plagued with problems (you seem to start a new thread about a new problem your tank is having every week), you can hardly say that you have had success with ANYTHING in this hobby.

Why should anyone take your advice or believe you? Your tank has had nothing but problems with the way you have insisted on setting it up and running it. You have ignored most of the advice of everyone here, and the state of your tank shows it.

Yet you continue to stand on your high horse and lecture everyone else about how we don't know anything, and you know it all.

In short, your attitude stinks and many people here are sick and tired of it. Good day to you sir, and good luck with your horrible mess of a tank.
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