Dreamwalk's 10gal Nano


Creator of the InvisoReef
Ok...so this IS my first tank, and I know that the odds are against me, but i WILL make this tank survive.

So, today I started a one week "wet test" to check for leaks...

Im not sure that there will be enough water movement with the small filter that i have...I'm on a tight budget, so i want to do this right, but also for the lowest price...so do you think i will need a power head?

Or will placeing most of the coral under the waterfall be enough current?

This is my 10 gallon tank so far:


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If you want corals, you'll need a powerhead. I'd also ditch the hang-on filter and get a skimmer instead. That small filter probably won't be suitable. (although I'm by far no expert on those tiny tanks). With a small tank like that, your water will be very susceptible to pollution. The more water you have, the larger the buffering capability of it. So, good filtration is important.

What kind of lights do you have? Corals have demanding light requirements, depending on the type.
Hurm, good idea with the filter and the powerhead... as for lighting, i'm not sure.

Let's see... It is a 15 watt "aquarium lamp"

kinda like this, but it isn't "t5" and it cast a purple-ish hue....I don't know it THAT is helpful


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All you really need dreamwalker is live rock and like one Korilla #1 powerhead. YOu can start with a few small pieces of live rock and add dry rock that is cheaper. Get it cycling though, you will need about 15 lbs. of live rock and that will be your filter. YOu don't need a skimmer right away until you add fish. But the live rock is a must for a reef, and the power head.
Ok..no skimmer yet and get a powerhead and live rock... So, do you think that if I put in a fine grain live sand there will be room for a bottom sifting fish...Maybe a lawnmower blenny?
Actually, the skimmer is more for the corals than the fish.
That light probably won't be too good for corals. I'd go for some power compacts or T5s. Some of the people here who are more experienced can point you in the right direction lightwise.
Ok..no skimmer yet and get a powerhead and live rock... So, do you think that if I put in a fine grain live sand there will be room for a bottom sifting fish...Maybe a lawnmower blenny?

yeah - when you put your live rock, in, make sure it's touching the glass on the bottom, not resting on the sand. When they dig, they can excavate your rock and make it topple.
Ok. so, how much time and money do you think it will be, as a rough estimate, to get the tank set up with a a couple of coral and one or two fish or inverts?
Ok...hold up.. I have to ask...

My friend Bryan has had his nano for over a year now...It's heathly, the reef is growing, and his fish are fine.

He has a 5 gallon bow front. live sand and rock. 4 types of coral. a hermit. and a three striped damsel.

He only has one of those "energy efficient" bulbs from wal-mart, and he uses a simple 20 gallon tank filter...
He doesn't have a skimmer and never has had one he says...

How is he able to pull this stuff off? oh, and did I mention he uses tap water?

It just seems like the hobby that he is into and got me interested in is COMPLETLY different than what we are talking about now...

Not trying to sound...:grumble: but i am just a lot of confused rightta bout now.

I have a 10 gallon nano and I do not have a skimmer on it. But, I do a two gallon water change every week. The most important things to have are: a good light source, good live rock and good water movement.
Ok. That is what I thought, several people have said that on a small tank like a 10, you dont have to have a skimmer...as for the flow. what is the best way to do this? I have heard that a lot of people have trouble with powerheads....
You don't have to have a skimmer. But it can help your tank in the long run, and will keep your tank cleaner, allowing you to keep a wider variety of corals.

Same with the lights. With a low output life, you'll be a lot more limited to the type of corals you keep, and they'll grow a lot slower.
ok...thanks! That helped a lot. So can you run me through the set-up process? Like from filling the tank to adding sand and live rock?

I know that it's online, but i never have had the chance to get the steps and then ask questions..
There really isn't a good skimmer that is small enough for a 10 gallon tank. I have a 10 gallon tank, and I don't use a skimmer on it. Or any type of filter. I just do a 3 gallon water change once a week or so. You will definitely need a powerhead. If I were you, I'd not worry about a skimmer, I'd remove the filter, and just put one small powerhead in it for water movement.
There really isn't a good skimmer that is small enough for a 10 gallon tank. I have a 10 gallon tank, and I don't use a skimmer on it. Or any type of filter. I just do a 3 gallon water change once a week or so. You will definitely need a powerhead. If I were you, I'd not worry about a skimmer, I'd remove the filter, and just put one small powerhead in it for water movement.

I am going to leave the filter, and I will defiantly be doing water changes, but what about the powerhead...what is the preferred brand or model?
MaxiJets are great. They are cheap (around $20) and they are small enough that they are easy to fit in a 10 gallon tank. Koralias are another great brand. If you were to get a Koralia, a number 1 would probably be perfect. They are more expensive than the MaxiJets though.
I am going to leave the filter, and I will defiantly be doing water changes, but what about the powerhead...what is the preferred brand or model?

This is a good idea right? I mean...it isn't a bad idea? 'cause i dont think that i could do well without the filter and other tools..and are there rather cheap but well made powerheads?
You can leave the filter if you want. You will just have to clean it a lot. If you don't clean it thoroughly once a week or so, your water quality may suffer. Having a dirty filter is worse than having no filter at all.

As for the powerheads, like I said, check out MaxiJets.