Tanked's 125 build thread

heck yea, first of all only half the weight will be on each cable(assuming that there are 2 cables) so thats only 35lbs, and yes, i believe that in this configuration it will be plenty strong enough.... so long as your using sched 40, (the normal white stuff from homedepot, in something like a 1 inch diameter, about an inch long, yea, you'll be fine...
if your worried about it, then nest 2 sizes inside each other, like, 1 inch pvc will fit perfectly inside 1-1/4 inch, so, take a 1 inch long piece of each, slide one inside the other, and then loop the cable through it... double strong, and still basically free... the key to doing it this way is that you are going inside the pvc, that way it cant slip off, or come unwould...


  • shorten your cable double layer.JPG
    shorten your cable double layer.JPG
    4.2 KB · Views: 170
yea, but it sounds like the hurdles are getting easier now, so lets hope that the rest of it just clicks into place with no new issues...
well, I duno about easier... I mean, the lights are still sitting on the floor, and mounting 6' long, ~75lb lights all by myself is a daunting prospect at best.... And for this to work at all I have to be able to find the studs in my ceiling. I'm considering using thumbtacks to put some posterboard on the ceiling to make a flatter surface, and then running the stud finder over that instead of the popcorn crap... would that work?
the problem your gonna run into with the popcorn crap is that it changes the density of the readings as you move... you can certainly try it, it wont hurt anything, but i thnk you may find that doing it that way may introduce some error into your findings... my suggestion would be to try that, and if you think you have them found, then use something like a stick pin, or even a small nail, and poke tiny holes through the sheetrock and "feel" for the studs before you commit with a big screw....

this would be so much easier, if you were closer, i could just come over and take care of it for you, or at least "watch" while you do it to learn how, either way...
2 strikes in one swing!

i dont like beer...

i cant afford the trip...

but i'd be more than willing to talk you through it if you like...
Damn. How bout some good german vodka? Or I've got some aged whiskey sitting around, I think... :) And obviously you're welcome to use my neat personal airplane, lol

Thanks or the offer/help. I won't really have the time or inclination to attempt hangin them until this weekend. Too much crap going on at work, and my kid's in trouble (which always means more of a pain for me 'cause there's no computers or tv... blech) AND today is cub scouts night....yuck, that's a lot of whining even for me, lol. :)
oh, wait, ok, now you found my weakness, vodka? WHISKEY?!?!?!?! PRIVATE PLANE?!?!?!

I'm there, just tell me when and where to meet the plane...

well, if you wanna, i'll pm u my cell # and you can call me this weekend if your workn on it and wanna chat, i cant promise that i'll answer at certain times of the day, but, if you wanna, i'm will'n.
hehe. I do have the liquor, but I don't really have a personal plane. Though I did date a guy who had one, back in the day..

that'd be great. I don't know if I need the help but it would sure be nice to have someone available if I hit another roadblock... havin someone to call is better than bawling and giving up :D
All right, it's been a while since I've updated, and I've actually gotten a lot of the issues resolved... this build has had every nightmare imaginable!

First, the lights-- Marineland finally sent a tech out, who took the lights and "retapped" the screw holes so their hanging kit would fit. THEN, it turns out I can't get to any studs in the ceiling that aren't covered with my upstairs neighbors' electrical lines... so my mom and I built a frame out of 2x4's. That frame is probably the sturdiest thing in my whole house... it'll be the only thing left standing if there's an earth quake. ANyway, here's an FTS where you can see some of the frame:


Ok, then I had to completely rip out the baffles in order to fit my skimmer in. Got that done, and it's skimming away nicely now-- boy did those first few days of skimmate STINK!!! No pic of that, sorry.

Then I got a blue spotted jawfish (for half the cost of the online retailers-- I love my LFS!):


Finally, here's a random close up of a few of my corals:
