Building my Tank-Raised CUC!


Reefer Madness
Hi All,

I am building my cleanup crew, which currently consists of a Florida Fighting Conch (what a great snail!), and 7 Trochus sp. of the Tiger-like variety. I'm waiting for my 6 to 10 Nassarius and 2 peppermint shrimp.

I was also considering at some time in the future, a green abalone. Being new tank, I am having hair algae problems. Any additions you can think of in the 'tank bred' variety to help out would be welcome!

Coming over from freshwater, I had no idea how dynamic the marine snails are! They are amazing to watch! And our Florida Fighting Conch ('Conchy' Joe to friends!) just tools around, making Zen patterns in the sand, before digging in for a nap!



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Thanks David! He stays mostly in the bed, and extends his loooooong foot up on the rocks to snack. He (we decided) does climb, but not too often, and hasn't bothered anything yet.

So how do you spot feed? I'm using a plastic transfer pipette, basically an eyedropper, but more seems to float around than it the polyp!
Just added a aquacultured Abalone to my crew. Plopped her on a huge tuft of hair algae. As soon as I placed her (we decided it's a she), she grabbed the rock so fast that I lost grip. Strong Abalone! It moved down under the rock, but stripped the hair algae completely! I hope she likes her new home!