75G stocking scheme

The rock work now. I do plan on having a RBTA and a GBTA and a few corals later, once I get the hang of this.


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If you want an active fish I would get some sort of dwarf angel. Fish dont really school in our tanks. They are too small and there arent any predators.
Picking a clean up crew is easy, talk to Jeff over at Reefcleaners.org

Most of your stock list looks okay to me, but you definitely cant keep that whole list of fish in a 75 gallon (but it sounds like you already knew that)

I'd advise waiting at least a good 6-8 months before adding a mandarin - you're going to want an established pod population before adding one

You many also have issues with two jawfish in a tank that size

This is the list from reefcleaners.org
50 Dwarf Ceriths - small effective cleaners
24 Nassarius
25 Florida Ceriths
18 Assorted Hermits
11 Large Nerite and 9 Small to medium Nerites
1 five pack of mangroves
1 chaeto and maybe some gracilaira

This seems like a lot to me and I'm sure I can't add them all at once right?
This is the list from reefcleaners.org
50 Dwarf Ceriths - small effective cleaners
24 Nassarius
25 Florida Ceriths
18 Assorted Hermits
11 Large Nerite and 9 Small to medium Nerites
1 five pack of mangroves
1 chaeto and maybe some gracilaira

This seems like a lot to me and I'm sure I can't add them all at once right?

That is what you wound want once the tank is established and has some fish in it, if you can, I'd divide it in half, and add half of what he sugguests, and then a few months down the road add the other half.

Also, if you dont have a sump (or a place to grow mangroves) I'd probably pass on them personally. But Jeff definitely wont steer you wrong - he's the person I deal with when it comes to clean up critters for my tanks
I have a 30g long tank for a sump and a 3g tub for a refugium. The sump currently has an empty compartment. I'm sure I'll use it for probes, bully/bullied fish or reactors in the future. I plan the refugium to house some live rock to provide a predator free place pods to grow and macro algea to remove nutrients.