Another Anemone Question


Reef enthusiast
I bought my Anemone last weekend. How often do you feed them and how much ? We fed him a quarter of a silverslide 3 times last week. He's about 3 inches when fully opened. Yesterday, I noticed my Tang and my Red Scooter Blenny are MIA. The Tang was pretty big, I don't think he could of got him. But the Scooter is all over the rocks and he was small.
What kind of anemone did you get Sunshine? I dont remember seeing any pics of it.:D
If its a bubbletip,their usually not to bad about catching and eating fish.But if its a carpet,no fish in the tank is safe.
Your feeding it like I use to feed my BTA.About every 3rd or 4th day.But remember to switch what your feeding up some.Mine used to get silversides,clam strips,raw table shrimp,and every couple of months,a live damsel.
It's a red bubble tip. I have it posted on here. I'll post it again. I'll get some shrimp when I go to the store today. Can't figure out what happened to the Tang. He was pretty, a Powder Blue Tang. I put the Anemone on top of a rock, he moved to where he is hanging on the side of it, not flat on top of it. Been there all week.


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I doubt the anemone ate the tang.But I guess any things possible.
The scooter on the other hand :dunno:
Well, they are both gone. No sign of either one. The scooter was cute too. He mainly stayed on the sand. Every once in awhile, he would climb the rocks. And the cleaner shrimp is hanging around the Anemone now. He's not too smart...
I looked everywhere. Even waited till the lights went out last night and looked in there with a flashlight. Couldn't find either one. Looked today also, nothing. I'll look better when we clean it today.
Not likely that the anemone got them.. But as yote said anything is possible.

How long has the tang been missing? The scooter is probably still around they tend to swim around the rocks and sometimes you won't see them for a few days.
depending on how big you tang was that small rose couldnt even get it into its mouth. I had a carpet try to eat an angel and it didnt fit so he thru it back out. good luck he is probably somewhere in your tank