superultrahippo's 1st SW build 55g


Reefing newb
Always had an aquarium(freshwater) until I recently moved. Decided I would wait and stored my tank in storage till now. This time, im going to finally take the plunge and go saltwater.

As im starting fresh(equipment wise), im always open to sugegstions and good deals out there so your 2 cents are welcome. Oh, this will be a liverock fish only tank atleast at first till I figure out what kind of lighting im going to go with(only want to buy once).

So far I have:
Heater 100watt sufficient? Room temp is always 75-85F

I want to start getting all my equipment purchased and on hand. Hopefully I can get some insight on this subject. I have decided to go with..

octo 800 skimmer
planning on 50lbs+ live rock

basically, thats it on what im positive ill be getting. Would like to get some recomendations on LIGHTING and POWERHEADS so advise is appreciated. Again, the tank will be a fish only tank at first but I eventually want to get some LPS coral, not anything crazy.

here are some pics on the tank.. already leak tested and ready for equipment. Just painted the back of it.


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Might go for some t5 lighting. And yes I think the heater would be ok if your temps are staying in that range in the room. My 55 has a heater but it hardly ever is on. But welcome to the hobby.
Looks like you are off to a great start. Good choice of skimmer. For powerheads, the two most common brands used are Koralia and MaxiJet. MJs are a fraction of the price, and work very well. Koralias will run you quite a bit more, but they have a wider range of flow. It's up to you (and your wallet) how much you are willing to spend on a powerhead, but you will probably need at least 2, probably 3 powerheads in a 55.

T5 lighting is perfect for a 55 gallon tank. You want a fixture with at least 4 bulbs (there are 6 and 8 bulb fixtures as well).
Looks like you are off to a great start. Good choice of skimmer. For powerheads, the two most common brands used are Koralia and MaxiJet. MJs are a fraction of the price, and work very well. Koralias will run you quite a bit more, but they have a wider range of flow. It's up to you (and your wallet) how much you are willing to spend on a powerhead, but you will probably need at least 2, probably 3 powerheads in a 55.

T5 lighting is perfect for a 55 gallon tank. You want a fixture with at least 4 bulbs (there are 6 and 8 bulb fixtures as well).

Thanks, i think ill be on ebay nonstop for a day or two! As far as live rock goes, is there a type thats more preferable over another. Or one I should avoid as a newbie?
I used that same light fixture over my 55 a few years ago, and now I'm using it over my 90. It will be enough light for you to keep pretty much any animal you could want. I even was able to keep an anemone under it, and anemones are some of the most light-demanding animals in the hobby.
Another thread that I'm late on.
But thats a great light.I had the same fixture with 8 bulbs over my old 55 and 75 both.