

love my reef
OK I had turned my lights out for 4 days and did 2, 10 gal water changes in those 4 days to try and get my brown algae under control.. 4 days ago it was covering the bottom of my sand bed like waving blanket of slime, today is the 1st day that my lights have been on and I would say that almost 95% of it is gone there is a slight dusting of it on the sand.. my question is if it looks like it is starting to come back should I do the lights out and water changes again..

the pics on the bottom are after the lights out, the pics look dark because I adjusted my camera so it would not flash

this is a link to a video of the algae that I took

algea growing on my sand?? video by imdaring - Photobucket

B/4 lights out



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