Frag Swap Today


Reef enthusiast
I bought 5 corals today for $70 at the local frag swap. I was going to skip it, because I thought it was a social event for chit-chat and gossip. But it turned out to be an actual frag swap where I could simply walk in, view and purchase coral and then just leave. A local friend called me this morning and suggested I go check it out - because it was strictly "view and purchase" instead of socializing. Glad I went.

Got a War Coral, A Mummy Eye Chalice, another purple chalice with yellow eyes, some blue zoas and an Acro.


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I know that a frag of zoas that size around her is 20 bucks never seen any blue ones but would bet that they would be more. SO 5 frags for 70 bucks 14 dollars a frag= good price
The acro was $5 - I couldn't pass it up. It's about 1.25" tall and 1/2 the diameter of a pencil.

The zoa frag has about 10 polyps.

Mummy Eye chalice has 3 eyes

Purple chalice has 3 eyes

War coral has 4 or 5 mouths

I always have buyers remorse after I buy corals. Hoping I didn't pay too much. I guess $14 per frag ain't too bad.
oh wow. i guess im lucky to have a saltwater reef store here devoted to them. and they had a bunch of blue ones last time i was in there. but they still werent cheap. i think i remember like $6 a polyp. so i would say you did good :)
RC that mummy eye chalice is probably a 40-50 frag in the challice collecting circles. War coral probably 20 bucks. I think you did pretty well.
Holy hawg leg!! Thats $60 per frag!! Guess I did okay.

Thanks guys/gals. I'm planning to put these in the new 29g frag tank and let them grow.
Nice corals there Mr. Antisocial.:mrgreen:

I enjoy meeting and talking to the other reefers at these events. I REALLY hope I can make the one on the 18th.
Nice corals there Mr. Antisocial.:mrgreen:

I know........ I'm such a loser. I don't do well in large crowds of people. Kind of OCD about being elbow to elbow with 200 people in a room. I've met 4 or 5 of the club members in the local club. A few of them are board members - or were board members at the time. Not my kinda people - rather stuffy, rich and snooty IMO. I don't feel comfortable hanging around people like that. If you read around in the forums of the local club website - bunch of douchebags.

Thats why it was appealing to me when I found out I could just walk in with my cooler, pay the $$ and walk out. Don't really want to have anything to do with the local club.
Thats whats nice about our swaps, you can be as social or anti-social as you like. Nobody cares as long as you come enjoy yourself and maybe buy or sell some corals.