AnnMarie's 75g


Reefing newb
Just got some new pics, yellow Clown Goby, just put in DT after QT stay, along with the Midas Blenny, shown in one of her hangouts in DT, and just 3/4 of the tank, on the right, all the fish are more active, swimming in current and such, since the newcomers came in on 10/3. So far all are getting along well, no aggression at all. There is a sailfin tang (veliferum) that came with tank and is here temporarily cuz tank's too small at 75g, then I've added Clownfish, sixline wrasse, Midas Blenny and Clown Goby. New blood shrimp went in, too, but it's a bit shy still.


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Oooh, it's been a while since I updated. I don't have any starfish now, although there's a tiny serpent that hitchhiked in on a coral. The inhabitants are the fish, sun coral, mauve lobophyllia coral, 3 button colonies, joe the coral, three different ricordea florida, candy cane coral, 1 cleaner shrimp, one blood shrimp, nerites, nassarius, dwarf cerith, florida cerith, a few blue and red leg hermits still left, two Mexican turbo snails, a few astrea snails.


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Thanks for all the compliments! It's been a year now that I've had the tank, the previous owner had it for about two years before I inherited it. It was worth the trade I made: I bought a TV for my son's new house and I got to keep the tank. I thought it was fair cuz even though he got the tank setup for free, he was going to sell it to buy a nice flat screen when he moved but I was addicted to this tank the minute he set it up in our house (he was living at home while looking to buy a house and brought the tank with him, he had it in an apartment for about a month before it came to me)