Hot Glue: Save in the salt aquarium?

Do you think Hot Glue is safe in the salt water aquarium?

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Reef enthusiast
do you think that hot glue is safe for use in the salt water aquarium, please cast your vote, and post why you think the way you do.
Sorry project5k, I haven't ever tried it or thought of it in the tank. Come to think of it I don't even know what it is made of. Humm...
I cant believe you guys are out here talking about hot glue when you could be chatting about it instead
The LFS owner that fragged my paly's for me used hot glue to place the frag on a frag plug. She uses it for all her frags. She said you just have to be careful when you place it in the tank. Just make sure it's in a low flow area so no bubbles can collect under it or it'll lift the frag off the plug.
I'm not sure if it's safe for saltwater or not. I know it is for freshwater as I have used in to make the slate hidding shack in this picture for my pleco. I was out of silicone & clay pots. Yes there are way too many baby fish in there. I breed freshwaters.


  • baby tank.JPG
    baby tank.JPG
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Ahhh I wish some one would invent a salt water pleco!!!!!:mrgreen:

I had one that was over a foot long. They are awesome fish

The one in my angel tank is about that big and he keeps trying to hide in the treasure chest. Only his head fits in it now but I guess "I can't see you, you can't see me" works for him. lol.
Sounds like the hot glue is safe, but I still wouldn't want to use it without testing it somehow first. Then again, if there are epoxies that are fine, then i don't see why a glue gun would be any if at all worse.
well, if all goes to plan, i may find out tonight, depends on a few external factors, (errands i gotta run on the way home) if thoes go fast, then i may get a chance to try it, and if they take a long time, then it may have to wait till another day...
yea, well when your having to go to the grandparent's house and teach them how to get on the internet via dialup cause they refuse to pay for cable, and the dial in #'s keep comming up busy, and then they freak out and try and change the # but end up changing all the login credientials, you reallycant budjet the time it will take to fix, cause you dont know just how much the've messed up....
It's like I always say, if your first computer was an abicus, you have no business "attempting" to get online :lol:

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