Bare Bottom Reef


Reef enthusiast
I want to set up a new frag tank. Bigger, of course. I have all the parts and bits to set it up, so no expense involved. Just need to find a spot to put it!! :lol:

I want to go with a bare bottom setup since it's a fag tank. I'll be using a HOB refugium to handle the filtration. It's the typical HOB refugium that I am so fond of. Built in skimmer and a nice big baffle on the bottom to hold a DSB.

I'll be using powerheads in the tank for water circulation.

Some questions:
What kinds of problems do I need to be aware of when working with a BB reef?

Do I need to incorporate some type of mechanical filtration? I'm thinking of using a foam screen on the powerhead that is the intake for the refugium. I'd like to avoid pumping tank detritus directly into the refugium where it can settle. If I can run a foam screen on the pump intake,. it would be a simple matter of pulling it off every 2 or 3 days and rinsing it under the tap.

Chemical filtration? I have a small canister that moves about 80GPH. I typically use this for carbon, but only run it 2-3 days before it's cleaned. I'm not REALLY into the idea of cleaning a canister every 3 days though.

Any other concerns I should be aware of? pH stability?

Thanks :Cheers:
I beleive that it would still be a bare bottom tank. You would want the rocks so the fish wont be stressed out. Also, if you have aragonite sand in the HOB fuge, that would be good at buffering the pH a bit.



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:toothy12: :toothy12: :rofl:

I dont think you'll have any problems with a sandless f-R-ag :mrgreen: tank.Just be sure there something in there to produce amino acids,or dose em either one.
You should put one of those little plastic signs in your tank but yours should say "Blue Oyster Bar". :mrgreen:
I'm also connecting two tanks together just with bulkheads and PVC for my sump/refugium since I can't fit any 12" wide tanks below my cabinet. When I asked the LFS they gave me standard bulkheads.
I figured it out. Was talking to a guy over on RS. He helped me a lot. (I'm FragFarmer on RS - rcpilot got banned - long story)

If anybody is interested in the pics and drawings, I can post them here or start a tank build thread. I kinda want to do a tank build thread, since I've never done one before.

Anybody want to see a tank build thread for a frag system?
I'll post a new thread in the Tank Build forum when I get all my parts together. I'm rearranging the apartment to make room for a 48" x 24" tank stand. Gonna be a week or so before I am ready to begin the build.

The good thing is I have almost all the parts to put this together. I need (2) 1.5" bulkheads and a bit of pipe. I need a bit of acrylic to make an overflow in one corner. I have pretty much everything else to turn my 10g frag tank into a 29g tank with a 5.5g sump. :^: