How did I get ick


Reefing newb
I believe that I have a ick problem. My question is how does one get ick if i have not added anything to my tank in months. I thought that you got it by adding a fish to the tank that already has it.
The ick was already in the tank.Then something stressed the fish,which made it/them have a compromised immune system,which let the ick start doing its dirty work.
So if I treat my tank now for it and I am careful when adding to my tank I might not have this problem again.
True. The best way to do this is to remove all the fish to a quarantine tank. Treat the quarantine tank with a medication and follow the directions.

Keep them in quarantine for a couple months to break the ick cycle in the main tank. Only fish get ick so your corals will be fine.

Then quarantine any new fish you get and treat them also. This will help prevent another ick outbreak. There is always a chance that something will sneak past your defenses.

All that I have in my tank is fish and live rock. I haven't started on corals yet. I hope to in the next 6-12 months. Would it hurt to treat in my tank, or should I still quarantine the fish.
It will definitely be bad for your invertebrates and your live rock. Don't treat your main tank. It will only lead to many problems.

You might look into getting UV light.
I am new at this hobby so any information you give me will be greatly appreciated. I have a 50 gallon saltwater tank that has ick. the man from the fish store is also new in the business. he has treated my whole tank with a powder that turned my water blue. we added chemicals on Sunday and again yesterday (Tuesday) and i believe we are suppose to do a 25% water change tomorrow (Thursday) but now my tank smells like something is dead. any suggestions.
what's in the tank? How much rock? How many fish? Any snails, crabs,starfish, coral?

Chances are that something is dead if you have any of the above items in the tank; whether or not it's a BIG deal, depends on what's in there.

One last question, how long have you had the tank for?
I am new at this hobby so any information you give me will be greatly appreciated. I have a 50 gallon saltwater tank that has ick. the man from the fish store is also new in the business. he has treated my whole tank with a powder that turned my water blue. we added chemicals on Sunday and again yesterday (Tuesday) and i believe we are suppose to do a 25% water change tomorrow (Thursday) but now my tank smells like something is dead. any suggestions.
well if you have live rock in that tank it probably isnt live anymore. You need to find out what chemical he put in the water. If it is copper based then he just killed all the bacteria in the tank. Also copper will leach from that rock and substrate for a long time. If it was a reef safe med. then the rock should be ok but I havent heard of one that makes the water blue that is "reef safe" Also the reef safe meds dont work. The only medication that works is copper based but you have to use a qt tank. I really hope that your system isnt ruined now. You will have to get use to the idea of having to scrap everything in the tank and starting over. I am really sorry if this is the case this could be a very painful lesson for you.
If it was a reef safe med. then the rock should be ok but I havent heard of one that makes the water blue that is "reef safe".

I've never heard of one either, sounds more like pool an algeacide or something :shock:

That would SUCK...and piss me off :pissed:
It might be this it does come in powder form but most people use it as a dip before the fish goes in the tank. I think it kills bacteria also.


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I am new at this hobby so any information you give me will be greatly appreciated. I have a 50 gallon saltwater tank that has ick. the man from the fish store is also new in the business. he has treated my whole tank with a powder that turned my water blue. we added chemicals on Sunday and again yesterday (Tuesday) and i believe we are suppose to do a 25% water change tomorrow (Thursday) but now my tank smells like something is dead. any suggestions.

Basically,what that guy has done,is killed any chance for you to be able to keep corals and inverts in your tank.The smell is from all the dead and dying life that was in the rock.
If the guy that put that stuff in your tank is new to the business, he won't be in the business for long. Rule #1 about treating ich: NEVER EVER EVER treat in the main tank. Any treatments that work against ich will also work against the GOOD bacteria and inverts in your tank.
Possably dead bacteria or just the saltwater smell. My tank used to have that smell when I used bio balls

Ps also don't use cleaner wrassies to get rid of ick it's not worth it.