Couple of questions guys and gals...
1. Nitrates - I am doing my weekly changes and I cannot get my Nitrates to BUDGE from 20ppm. I have roughly 155 gallons of water (not counting rock @ livestock displacement). I have tried 10-15-20 gallon changes and whether it is a week out, or immediately after a change, My Nitrates are slightly less than 20. Is 20 eminently toxic? Should I just keep chipping away at it? Suggestions? I have 3 clowns, Juvi Foxface, Mandarin Goby (got rid of the others). I feed every other day in the evenings that consist of 1 frozen mysis square target fed to corals, and drift fed for fish. I suppliment that with about 10 small sinking algae pellets. Is that considered over feeding?
I mean hell, when I had Fresh water species, I have TONNNNS of fish / bioload and my trates were NEVER this high.
2. Calcium - Not really having any issues, but wanted to ask... what is consixdered average calcium depletion rate? 2 days ago after my water change, my Calcium was 460. Last night it was 400. Am i REALLY depleting that much calcium in one day?!?!?? Current Calcium suckers include: Acro, Duncan, Favia, LT Plate, Candy Cane.