They probably did better...


I failed Kobayashi Maru
...while I was away! I went on my 2 week vacation, leaving my 2 tanks in the care of a 12 year old, his mom, and his 9 year old sister. I did a tank maintenance cleaning the day before I left. All he had to do was top off's into the sump of the 45g, and feed the fish.

Of course I was worried because my large mushroom was lookin' ill before I left, so I was expecting it to die and take my 10g along with it. But low and behold, my fish and shrooms were even bigger and fatter than before!

So yay. I think my shroom hates me though. Since I got home, it started to not be as big anymore :) Time for a water change, I guess.

:ugh: Shame on me!!

If it makes you feel better, Yote, the whole time I was away I kept worrying about my tank flooding :mrgreen:

The way I left things for my neighbor was virtually foolproof, especially since I bought a 4-week pill box, prepared and pre-measured each day's feedings, and stuck it in the freezer. So all he had to do was pull out a day's worth, thaw it on the counter, and fill the tank's sump w/ ro/di to the line.

But yes. The flood thing was in my head the whole time.
The wife keeps hitting me up to on a weeks vacation.I keep coming up with excuses not to go because I just dont want to be away from my tank that long:mrgreen:
The wife keeps hitting me up to on a weeks vacation.I keep coming up with excuses not to go because I just dont want to be away from my tank that long:mrgreen:

That's when you know you a have a problem..Yote, the first part of getting better is admitting you have a problem..we're here for you!
I think that's what got me addicted to reefing in the first place..."Keep your eye on the yellow it swim back and forth...back and are getting are now under my want to spend $20 on a bag of sand your kid/nephew/neighbor could have brought home from the beach in a bucket for freeeeeee..."

Damn my LFS is good, haha
I'm on a 3 step program....started out with 1 45g, then got a 10g....and now I'm working on my 125g....after that, I'm sure I'll be cured!
They say the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. Well I am not admitting it because I do not want to recover. My tank would miss me.
I was gone for 2 weeks also. after flying for 12 hours I turn on my phone and have a message from my tank sitter. Funny how they think everything is easy when you are explaining it to them, "ya ya I got". You leave and they panic. After flying for 13 hours I turn my phone on and the messages/questions started rolling in lol
Speaking of 12 step programs:


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