Damn black clown


Reefing newb
I use to put my hand in the tank all the time with no problems. A few weeks ago I put in 2 large zoo rocks with over 200 heads. I had my hand in the tank a few hours afterwards and the little fricker bit me. Nothing hard and no blood but caught me off guard. Now everytime I'm cleaning or doing anything he's always gettin me. He doesn't host the zoos. I guess he just really likes them. Is this normal?
Mine not only attacks my hand, but now the larger one likes to attack the magfloat cleaner when I clean the glass.....stupid fish!
It's not uncommon for really aggressive clowns (like maroons) to break the skin and cause some pretty painful injuries.

I have a pair of tomatoes and the big female will go after my hands. When I'm doing stuff in the tank, I usually have a wooden paint stirrer in one hand shooing her away from my other hand while it works.
LOL :D I had a gold bar maroon that would do that to me, she would grab the hair on your arm and rip it out the little B****! Hubby and I would flip a coin to see who was sticking their hand in the tank.
My male clarkii clown did the same thing to me, like Biff, I kept a net in the other hand while working in the tank...I eventually caught them and placed them in my fish only tank.
I have a large maroon clown in a bubble tip anemone. I never thought a fish could give you the finger with their eyes. Seriously, we may have to throw down to show who runs the tank. A$$hole fish and looks like it's wearing a Redskins jersey.


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Yeah I've been bit by clowns. The first time I yanked my hand out of the water throwing a gallon of salt water half way across the living room.
mine do the exact oppositte the second my hand goes in the tank they hide in the bottom corner...i'm sure i'll get bit eventually though...