clown pair?


Reefing newb
ok so i did some reading up on clown pairing last night and decide i wanted to try and pair my perc with a black perc. so i got a black perc today acclimated it and set it free in my tank with the other perc! but nothing happend i read that one is supposed to give to the other and turn on its side. but so far neither of mine have done that and they are just kinda chillin together. what does this mean? are they both so far sexless? seems how they are both young fish and came from tanks with other pairs are they both just juveniles? at first the true perc was snipping at the black perc but the black did not seem to care. the black perc is about 1in and the true perc is about 2in but only been in the tank for about 2-3 weeks. both are tank raised.
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Heres some pics of the couple and before acclimation. they are hard to catch a picture of they keep movin around. the black perc had a bite out of his fin when purchased.


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Sounds like you've had some good luck with them getting along. Maybe they think they are totally different fish. Or they're too young to care right now!
that black clown is amazing...I wish I would have gotten atleast 1 before I got both of mine, i bought both of mine extremely little and I've had them for about 6 months and they are always swimming around together and the same one is always shivering or "submissing" to other so I'm waiting for one to get bigger and something to go down...we'll see