Koran Angelfish Color Changing


Reefing newb
Hi all, I bought a Koran Angelfish last week. He appears to be very active and healthy and gets along with my other fish who are all very healthy. The one thing that I noticed and concerns me a bit is that his blue color is starting to fade around his head and forward part of his body. Is he just starting to mature or do I have an issue?


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really hard to tell based off of that picture. probably color changing. looks like its about the right size for color change from juv, maybe you could get a better picture?
very possible from looking at the way the stripes are going from white to a yellowish color but that could just be the picture. any way to get some better shots in the middle of the day?
the color change of a koran angelfish is VERY gradual.... in such early stages you should barely be able to notice it's happening (and i really mean barely.)
could be losing its juvy coloring, but like everyone said, its real gradual. Angels do need lots of sponge in their diet. Do you feed that angel& butterfly cubed food?
I have a similar problem with my angelfish. What ever happened to your fish? I attached a pic of my fish for your review. I have an old tank and all the paramenters are good. Unfortunately I didn't quarantine, so I don't know what or where he got this. Is it very similar and what treament, if any, did you do?



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Beuice,this thread was from 9 months ago.

It looks like early stage HLLE(head and lateral line disease).I usually don't link to this website but it has good pictures of diseases/illnesses and course of treatment.see what you think.

Diseased Fish (Pictures)
Thanks for the link....the pictures are a lot of help. Yeah...the post is old, but this it's the only post that had similar symptoms. Once again, thanks for your help.
I feed my Koran,mega angel formula,mega algae formula,spirulina pellets,seaweed selects,krill,clam,squid,table shrimp,spinach,and zuccinni.Variety is key.Good luck with yours.
Unfortunately mine died. I have tried two Koran's and never been successful. I probably won't try again given how expensive they are. I have no problem with any of my other fish, occasional on my tang (to be expected) but it goes away by itself. I feed the fish forzen: mysis, marine cuisine, emerald entree and a few silversides which they love to munch on. Best of luck with yours.
That's to bad ryangorney...hopefully I have better luck. Same thing here...no problems with my maroon clown, copperband, urchin, etc.

For diet, I feed the fish something different everday (2 cubes a day..one in morning and one in the evening):

mysis, brine, squid, bloodworm, algae (Hikari Frozen)

Salwater Multi-pak (San Francisco Bay)

Seaweed (Ocean Nutrition)

Diced Scallops with added vitamins (Selcon)....picky copperband

I try to diversify in order to meet all of their needs. I have some sponges in the tank, but I haven't noticed the angel eating any of them.

I'm curious...can or do these frozen foods bring in unwanted pest?

Obviously quarantining new fish is important...do you guys QT for several weeks looking for any problems to appear or do you automatically just QT with some copper, formalin, etc?
Personally i would stop feeding mysis, brine and bloodworms...there is almost nothing in them that an angel needs,or any of our saltwater fish for that matter.I'm not saying my foods i feed are the one and only,but i would eliminate those 3 from your feeding plan.JMO
What do you mean by unwanted pest?
Doubtful that there are unwanted pest/parasite or disease in the food you feed.There is a SF Bay frozen food with sponge in it specifically for angels you can try.