Dane's 125 Gallon Marine Setup

Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

I just read all eight pages... And WOW I am impressed how well you have listened to everyones tips and thoughts on your setup. Great job and your tank will look great in the future. Lets see some pics of those fish!
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Thanks Gator.

This forum has really revitalized my love for the aquarium hobby. I cant wait to get home in the evenings and tinker.. HA!

Ill post up some pics this weekend!
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Ok Guys, Before any of you disown me, hear me out...

I ran accross a deal i couldnt turn down. Before I made the purchase, I researched it, and when the revised offer was made this weekend, I couldnt say no...

Good News is, Water params are AWESOME. did my first 10% water change this weekend and everything held steady throughout the process and now.

I DID go against yalls recommendation and introduced (after a a 48 hour QT session) a beautiful long tentacled plate coral (
heliofungia actiniformis I believe) and a Long tentacled Anemone.

Both are doing well, eating, and i even have one of my captive bred clowns hosting in it!

I got both for $10. The guy I got them from was taking down a tank to upgrade and was afraid of what may happen to them.

Here are some pics. So far:

1- Scopas Tang
2 - True Percula Clowns
6 - Neon Damsels
1 -
heliofungia actiniformis LPS
1 - Anemone



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Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

I have Anemone-proofed my Powerheads, I have these guys seperated. The anemone has moved about and found his prefered spot (where you guys see him). He has Eaten, and secreted his waste once already and seems happy and well off.

The coral is in med-moderate flow with plenty of light and also has eaten (day after he got put in here) and is doing well. fully Blown up, he is almost 8 inches in diameter and has close to 8 inch tentacles.

What a MAGNIFICENT creature
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

take the anemone to the LFS for store credit, its gonna die in your tank since its brand new and when it dies everything in your tank goes with it
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Oh dskirtech! :grumble:
I've been down that road before and so have many others. I would give you a 25% chance with that anemone, since you tank is new. May be the clown will help him in some way. Just watch it closely. If it starts to show signs of looking different or it is unresponsive in any way get it out of there before it pollutes your whole system. Good luck, I just hope your good deal doesn't turn out to be a bad deal after all!
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Awesome Info Guys! I will monitor the Anemone through the weekend and most likely take it back. Nothing I have read told me it would die. Just said What to feed it, Lighting, etc, and it would be fine.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Also, if the plate coral is up on the rockwork, it should be placed on the sandbed. The plate coral will contract and expand, and if it cuts itself on the rocks, it will probably die. So keeping it on the sand protects it from hurting itself on rocks.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Also, if the plate coral is up on the rockwork, it should be placed on the sandbed. The plate coral will contract and expand, and if it cuts itself on the rocks, it will probably die. So keeping it on the sand protects it from hurting itself on rocks.
nice catch
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Those are nice additions.
Even though I dont recommend anemones for ANY reef tank.
Just keep a close eye on your parameters and make sure they stay stable.
Good luck with em.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Thanks for all the input.

I didnt ever anticipate on making the Anemone a permanent fixture in the tank, but figured since they were a "package deal" I would give it a shot.

Honestly, it seems to be doing well. As I mentioned before, he is perky, eating well, color looks great, mouth area is full, puffy and sealed pretty good, and my water params are holding steady.

what in particular should I be looking for (water params) to show signs that he might be going down hill? Ammonia level increases?

Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Also, if the plate coral is up on the rockwork, it should be placed on the sandbed. The plate coral will contract and expand, and if it cuts itself on the rocks, it will probably die. So keeping it on the sand protects it from hurting itself on rocks.

Thanks for this tip! I also read that they preferred to be on the sand, but this guy had him on a piece of LR for over a year, so I figured he would like it better there!

I have moved him down to the sand bed.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

I just read all 10 pages and I am totally impressed with how well this has come together. Awesome job dskirtech.

I wanted to point out (or even ask all those others more experienced) in your pic of the return pump you have a metal hose clamp around your return hose. I didn't think it was a good idea to have anything metal since we're all dealing with salt water and it would corrode over time.

Just wondering...I'm farely new to all this myself.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

I just read all 10 pages and I am totally impressed with how well this has come together. Awesome job dskirtech.

I wanted to point out (or even ask all those others more experienced) in your pic of the return pump you have a metal hose clamp around your return hose. I didn't think it was a good idea to have anything metal since we're all dealing with salt water and it would corrode over time.

Just wondering...I'm farely new to all this myself.

Actually John, I have been wondering the same thing myself. However, Iron Oxide should be the result of the metal rusting, and I have read a couple articles where people have actually introduced amounts of this into their systems for certain beneficial reasons (I have learned so much in a month, that I cant remember what exactly it was for)...

Either way, I am actively looking for a suitable clamping mechanism to replace the hose clamp..
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

I have some metal clamps as well. My concern is more a long the lines of them giving way. Please post if you find a suitable replacement.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

i just use zip ties... pulled really tight... never had one so much as drip yet...


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Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

i just use zip ties... pulled really tight... never had one so much as drip yet...

Actually thought about that Proj... I would probably use 2 and I would need to get some "sho-nuff" HOSS zipties and crank em down with a pair of Lineman pliers..