Dying Red Brain Coral


Reefing newb
I got this frag of a Red Brain Coral that looks like it's dying. I have tried putting it closer to the light but I don't think it's helping...Also when I feed the corals I don't spot feed I just put the zooplankton in the water...should I be spot feeding?
yeah for sure...not the xenia...


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Is you water quality good? Sometimes those take a long time to die. I call them the lingering corals. Some die overnight it seems but others take a long time. How long have you had it?
yeah water quality is good...all my other corals are growing like crazy! umm i've had it for about 2 months and it has never looked very good since i've had it.
you need to get it away from that xenia! Its going to sting and kill it.

If you can get a better picture of the brain, I have found when my brains are having issues I will put them in a bit of shade and they tend to come back, once they are doing better then move it back into the light. As mentioned water testing and light?
Yeah, if everything else is checking out, the xenia is probably what's killing it. Softies are toxic.

Without a doubt. Running carbon will help with this. I had my trach near my decently sized mushroom leather and after 1 week the skeleton started to show just a bit. Moved it to the other side of the tank and was perfectly fine within days.
I can't tell much from the picture, but I've found that some shade and low flow seem to be a pretty good remedy.