Dane's 125 Gallon Marine Setup

Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

(Also, Im taking some iPhone pics of the build as I go... Ill post em up tomorrow!)

Getting excited!
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Ok! Sump done!!

Chamber 1 = Intake where my Reef Octopus is eventually going to go. ordering it tomorrow

Question: If I get the NWS 150, Is there anything else Ill need with it? Does it come with its own pump? I looked at the footprint on the specs and build this chamber in excess one inch all the way around

Chamber 2 = Fuge... 25 pounds of live sand (4 inches deep) and 12 pounds of some of the most BEAUTIFUL Live rock i have seen (Already cured, FULL or thousands of Coralite spots - Purple)

3 Layer micro-bubble Trap - So far, seems to be doing its job

Chamber 3 - submersed Mag 950 return pump.

Plumbing is all 5/8 I.D. flex. I spent a little extra and got some "Simming pool" grade check valves, Ball vales, etc. REAL happy with the turnout!!!

So i got everything turned on and working. i had to rig some "U-Shape" nozzles for the return until i can get the Shopp U's

Question... is it supposed to take 2 hours to fine tune the Ball valve to the perfect output for the pump? I have been fighting this thing for an hour trying to either NOT drain the sump too fast, or keep it from overflowing the sump (siphin overflow).

Even with micro-adjustments it seems to be eithr filling up way too fast, or draining too quick... how can reguate this so I feel confortable leaving for work tomorrow and leaving it running?
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Just as promised, I made some adjustments this weekend and here are some pictures.

Again, I have spent so much on this satly setup, I cant afford a decent camera! HA! so crappy iPhone pics will have to do for now...

A couple Before Shots:


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Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Next, My saturday night project... 3 Chamber Sump. 30 Gallon. I built it pretty much from the DIY on Youtube.

JESUS GAWD Acrylic is expensive!!!!!


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Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Had to remove a Brace (quickly) to install this under the tank. I was 2 inches from getting it under the cabinet. You talk abotu nervous as hell! But all went well.

Here it is with the fuge in the middle, and Look at the quality of live Rock I got!!! Coraline All OVER this stuff!


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Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

I decided to "Over Do it" as usual and outfitted everything with 5/8 ID and Pool & Spa fittings

Also seen here is the Mag 950 plumbed....


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Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Only problem I have having is equalizing the THRUST From the Mag pump to the siphoning of the tank... I played with that damn thing for HOURS

(Note the tape on the glass....)


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Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Additionally this weekend, as you guys know, I added a good bit more Live Rock to the tank and I purchased a cleanup crew and THEY are kicking @$$!!!!!

Check out the Beautiful coloring on my LR. I cant wait to start seeing this stuff take over. Purple EVERWHERE....

CLeanup crew = Snails, Hermies, twin Starfish & 5 Emeralds.

I fully expect to have to thin some out before too long, but for now, it gives me something to watch in the tank.


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Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

That looks good Dane.
You may have to add some more water to get the flow equaled out.The return section is where your going to see the evaporation.
Just open the valve from the pump full open.If the water level get low,add water.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

That looks good Dane.
You may have to add some more water to get the flow equaled out.The return section is where your going to see the evaporation.
Just open the valve from the pump full open.If the water level get low,add water.

Your a KaGenious... I dont care WHAT that mantis said about ya!!!

Actually, after reading your post, I took a better look at this "interem overflow box" and reached deep into the dark crevaces of my brain where my 12 year old Phsyics lessons lie dormant and figured out i didnt have my overflow adjusted as low as it could go, thus reducing my flow rate to about 3 Tbs per DAY!!!

NOW I got this bitch flowing!!! i cant wait for my eShopp Overflow to arrive... i might be able to crank this thing wide open then! its rated fro DOUBLE the flow.

Thanks again! All critters are happy and eating everything in sight!

Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Quick Update -

Day 15 and Everything is beautiful. CUC is going to TOWN on some brown flake Algae,

Starting to see some color and algae growth in the Sump

Zero Causalities so far

Looking for Cheato this weekend

Tank Params are holding steady!
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Now that you been at it for a few days.Just how much time are you spending just sitting there watching the CUC? :mrgreen:
Fess up,we've all done it:D
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Now that you been at it for a few days.Just how much time are you spending just sitting there watching the CUC? :mrgreen:
Fess up,we've all done it:D

All night long man! It is truly fascinating watching the beginning of a self sufficient mini-ecosystem in action. I have spent countless hours researching (here and elsewhere) corals, reefs in general, reef fish, and franky, just the hobby in general. COMPLETELY different from the freshwater scene.

In fact, now that I have taken the plunge, I can see now that I was getting really bored with the fresh water side of the house. Once you have everything up and running... you are pretty much done.

I am enjoying this new challenge!
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Alright Guys and gals,

coming up on 20 days now... I did break down and get two baby clowns, and a scopas Tang this weekend.

They are all eating algae pellets well (no, im not overfeeding. They have been "target fed" only once. have another feeding scheduled for tomorrow.

have had 3 water tests since and all have showed beautiful results with Zero amonias or nitrites, Nitrates hovering around 5ppm...

Additionally, I have installed my Reef-O skimmer and Eshopp overflow box is set to go in this weekend. I have a million questions that will be coming up soon, but I just wante to give you all an update.

Also, looks as if my cleanup crew are working overtime. The LR and tank in general looks awesome and I think Im through the Brown Algae stage... Bring on GREEN!!!!!
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

For those of you running a Reef-O skimmer... what is the desired setting for "Bubble Level"?

Currently I have mine set so the bubbles just barely hit the top ring of the canister. occasionally, the presure pushes bubbles over into the Overflow container.

After 5 days of running, I have about 1.5 inches of BLACK water in the overflow, and the top of the bubble column is about 1.5 inches of black yuckie looking sludge and it is slowly (but definitely) easing over into the overflow.

Do I have this set too low? (the black yuck collecting in the top colum of bubbles in the canister)

Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

You added 3 fish,right?
So where are pics?:mrgreen:
I dont anything about those skimmers,but as long as its pulling gunk and not flooding,then its doing its job.I would mess with it a whole lot,you could end up with a flood.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Cool... Ill try to get pics this weekend. My oldest daughter has highjacked my cannon digital camera. It seems she feels that taking pictures of all the "cute boys" at school, church, etc outweighs my need to snap pics of my tank...
