Question about orange zoanthid


Reefing newb
I just purchased this at a local fish store and was wondering what do you think the average price for this piece is? And also what you guys think a "deal" is for it.

The thing that worries me is the polyps aren't open yet. The guy who sold them to me told me that he just got the piece in and thats why they are all closed. How long until these things start blossoming? I bought them because I think orange zoos are hard to find and I love the color.


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lol, that might have been the worst 20 bucks I ever invested. Next time we build something at least it will be a step up!

Theres a decent amount of white covering the rock. I hope he didn't sell me a dead/dying piece because if he did it's the last time I go into that store.
It should have been smaller pvc cuts and 3-4 shelfs going upwards and positioned the other way around in my tank instead of the way i put it in.
Just from looking at the pic,they look like their alive.
As for the price,around here,you could expect to pay 20 to 30 bucks for a frag that size with that color.
And a word of caution.
Never buy a frag thats not opened at the LFS when your looking at it.Corals arent like fish,they could be dying and just look like their closed.
They do have some nice color.I hope they open up and do well for you.
+1 yote.
It's kinda hard to tell how many polyps are there. If they open up and end up being healthy then $20 is a great price, I think.
lol, another day that went by and none of them are opening up. Ill give it time but if they aren't opening in 2-3 weeks that fish store lost its business from me FOREVER!
+1 Dcan
You'll find that your corals will open a lot quicker and do a lot better if you'll acclimate them slowly,the same as inverts.
I like to do a slow drip untill the salinity in the bag matches the salinity in my tank.