new addition


love my reef
I picked up a new flame angel and add him/her to my tank.. last night was rough the other fish were not takeing the new addition well they are EVIL!! little fishes when they want to be but my little angel seems to be good today I fed them and turned off all the lighs and sfter that they calmed down.. the others do chase him away every once and a while but there are lots of hideing spots


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My flame angel runs my tank. Then tang thinks she does, but it's just because the angel lets her. She's been giving the new sixline a fit.
No Geo. There are very few of us who quarantine any new fish. I would say 99% of the members of this site put their new fish right into the display. As far as I noticed, only me and Hoopsdaddy qt new fish.
This fish was quarantine at the LFS for about 4 days.. I just got a CPR tank with a power head I think next time I will put my new fish in there for a couple of days till the others get used to it
When I say quarantine I don't mean 4 days, I mean a minimum of 3 weeks and more like 4 weeks. If you look at the life cycle of Icky and Marine Velvet you'll know why.
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If they die, there has to be a reason. I recently lost 5 Percula clowns because I did not QT a new arrival from a trusted source. I now have my last remaining Percula in a copper tank treating her for Marine Velvet; so far so good she doing well but I could lose her too. When you quarantine a fish all you're doing is putting it in a cycled tank other then your main tank and observing it for three to four weeks to make sure it does not have any problems and there are a host of problems they could have. If they are dying in your QT tank then you should investigate the problem and find out why.
I am up in the air about quarantine my fish! Maybe i should try it! I love flame angels but it is suggested to add a flame angel last. I has to be the last fish you add to your tank!