What anemone do you suggest?

This is what I have (the 692 watt version)

Under this light in my 75g, which type of anemone would you recommend that I get for my 2 Clarkii clowns?

I have tried a couple of nems before under my old PC lights and they perished (obviously)....you live and learn. I know under these new lights I can keep whatever I want in the tank, but I wanted ya'lls suggestions because it seems like a lot of you have great experience with nems.

I personally love carpet anemones, but how difficult are they really to keep? I will be adding a new sump/refugium (on order and waiting for it to arrive with in sump skimmer).

Long tenticles are cool.But I'd probably have to suggest a bubble tip.Mainly because I used to have a bubble tip.
This is what I have (the 692 watt version)

Under this light in my 75g, which type of anemone would you recommend that I get for my 2 Clarkii clowns?

I have tried a couple of nems before under my old PC lights and they perished (obviously)....you live and learn. I know under these new lights I can keep whatever I want in the tank, but I wanted ya'lls suggestions because it seems like a lot of you have great experience with nems.

I personally love carpet anemones, but how difficult are they really to keep? I will be adding a new sump/refugium (on order and waiting for it to arrive with in sump skimmer).

I have a bubble tip in one tank and a large rose anenome in another. m gold stripe clown loves the rose anenome. They are quit a bit more pricey but well worth the money. The are also very "forgiving" as far as treatment and water quality compared to some of the other nems. I will post i pick of mine if you would like.
I have a bubble tip in one tank and a large rose anenome in another. m gold stripe clown loves the rose anenome. They are quit a bit more pricey but well worth the money. The are also very "forgiving" as far as treatment and water quality compared to some of the other nems. I will post i pick of mine if you would like.
Here is a pic of my Rose... Just in case you wanted to see it.:bounce:


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Doesn't look red, but very nice looking nem. I have seen some very red one and the more blue to the light the brighter red they are.
My suggestion is none.Anemones and clowns are so overrated!.

How about an Aussie elegance corals.They resemble an anemone,can handle the abuse and don't wonder all over the place.Research them first and make sure it's an Australian elegance and not one from Jakarta.The ones from there are diseased.

disclamer: nothing is gauranteed to serve as a host even whatever anemone you choose.
Doesn't look red, but very nice looking nem. I have seen some very red one and the more blue to the light the brighter red they are.
He looks like crap right now because he is tanking a crap, i believe. I will post better ones of him in a couple of days.
My suggestion is none.Anemones and clowns are so overrated!.

How about an Aussie elegance corals.They resemble an anemone,can handle the abuse and don't wonder all over the place.Research them first and make sure it's an Australian elegance and not one from Jakarta.The ones from there are diseased.

disclamer: nothing is gauranteed to serve as a host even whatever anemone you choose.
I agree on the coral. Great choice. My anenome has never moved his place once he found where he like to be, which took a week. now you couldnt pry him off if you wanted to. Not all nems will host a clown, if that is why you want one. I have mating pair that will not go near the nem at all. It is 50/50 if the will actually host it.:D
I do realize that it is a 50/50 chance for clowns hosting them. I have a pair of Clarkiis in my 30 gal andor bubble tip nem that came as a hitchiker. It splits frequently and just yesterday the larger nem in my tank (about 3 inches across) split......it was looking very nice and plump before too. The clowns never went near it ever. I just love carpet anemones, but I read that they are difficult to expert level only and I dont understand why. I really love the look of the nems really. If a clown hosts it fine if not thats ok too.

I also like this condy nem http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/productDetail.asp?did=2&pid=1143&cid=74

and I love this long tent purple nem http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/productDetail.asp?did=2&pid=1075&cid=74

The long tent nem seems to be fairly easy to keep. Will my 2x250w MH and 2x96w PC blue act be too much for this particular nem?
That purple nem looks great. I've added that to my list of possible things to put in my new tank.

What out for that carpet if you decide to get one. I've seen several people saying a carpet gobbled up a wondering fish. But I've also seen others say they keep their carpet fed and has never bothered their fish.
carpets have eaten their own host fish before. you just never know what they are going to do. yote had a nem that decided to move and killed half of his sps coral.
carpets are very hard to keep because they will eat any fish that gets close enough for them to catch and they can even eat the fish that they are hosting
You might consider a sebae bubble tip. It is a hit or miss with the clown but if it takes will be great color to the system and will feed well. Your substrait must be fine for this anemone though and it will most likely settle low in the tank in the substrait you just never know for sure. good luck.
Thanks for the input folks, but I have decided to scrap the anemone for now because after reading a lot about nem's moving around the tank and killing other corals doesnt sit well with me. I just dropped $150 about an hour ago for some nice frag pieces of sps coral and I would be pissed if they were killed by an anemone.