Skim on Skim contact? :o)


Blenny Badlands
Hello everyone!
I have a few questions about skimmers. I am intending to use one in-sump as part of my 40 gallon sump/refugium. I currently have a SeaClone 100 with a MaxiJet 1200 pump. I get the feeling this will not be adequate for my 125 gallon tank. I am looking at the AquaC EV-120 with a Mag 5 pump. Would this work for my system? If not, can I use the two skimmers together? Thanks for your feedback.
Nope, we don't laugh at anyone for making probably the most common equipment mistake in this hobby!! My first skimmer was also a SeaClone. I ended up throwing it away and keeping the powerhead. Yeah, it's basically a $120 powerhead that just moves water around. A SeaClone is probably okay for anything smaller than a 30 gallon tank. But it definitely wouldn't suffice for a 125.
the seaclone can be modded. I have one and before the mod it was crap. after the mod, it does a good job but probably not for a 125. it does about half a cup in 2-3 days.

But to give you my official advice, i agree with the above, get something more serious.
Thanks! So, I have the opportunity to get the AquaC EV-120 for $100, WITH a Mag 5 pump. I see they normally cost $430 on Amazon, and that's WITHOUT a pump to run it. WHOA! Do they usually run that high? Sorry, little bit of sticker shock there. I see it's rated for 40-150 gallon tanks. But I also read somewhere on this forum that I should get a skimmer that is rated twice my tank size. Is this correct?
It better to get a skimmer rated twice the tank size.BUT,If keep a low bio-load,you can get away with going with a smaller rated skimmer.
Personally,Get the biggest and best skimmer you can afford.They ARE THE most important part of your filtration.

BTW,I too ran a seaclone.However it was on a 30 gallon tank.
Like people have said the seaclone won't to the job for your larger tank.

Sea clones are awesome for smaller tanks though!!! You can do some really nice mods on it yourself and make it a cheap, nice skimmer. People just don't know how....
You definitely should buy the biggest and most powerful skimmer you can afford, it will save you from buying 2 or 3 of them. I'm victim to this too, not doing enough research, "oh it says up to 125gal so it must be ok for 110" and having a piece of junk that skims nothing....buying another cheap skimmer, same thing happening again...
So basically get an octo, or something even better. You could even look into Bubble Magus (which is what I'm doing right now), they are supposedly very effective for their chap price of $150 (and up for bigger ones). HTH and good luck with your decision
i bought an octopus nw 200 and an octopus nw 150
both are awesome and reasonably priced
this was after going thru about $600 worth of other skimmers
the nw 200 would handle a 125
OMG! This thing is a BEAST compared to the whimpy little SeaClone!! I just picked up an SWC DNW 200 Protein Skimmer, AKA Octopus NW 200. I laughed once I saw it in person. It totally dwarfed my existing one. So......It won't fit under my cabinet, which isn't really a big deal. I will use it externally, but now I have no idea how to properly plumb this thing! My tank is drilled with two bulk heads. I have my tank plumbing set up with a Durso Standpipe design. How in heavens name do I connect the skimmer to the tank output, then set it up to pump the cleansed water back into my sump/refugium??
Had to take a picture:


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Ok, I **THINK** I've got a better understanding of my connections, but have a few questions still. Can someone please look at my picture and tell me (assuming I've labeled it correctly) why I'd have two return pipes to put the newly clensed water back into my refugium? Also, could you let me know if I've labeled anything incorrectly? Thank you.


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