setup my tank and put live rock in and got something cool


funky buttlovin
i put my live rock in my tank about 4 days ago and im cycling my tank. but today i come home and see this polyp (sp) does anyone no what it is? it look like the pick but its purple and only one..its about one inch and the tentacles are about a centimeter.


  • yellowpolups.jpg
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Aiptasia is not really something to be thankful for. ;-)
Get a peppermint shrimp! They like to eat those things. I had a few aiptasia but now my tank is free of them after adding one of those shrimp.
The pic Surferido posted was Yellow Polyps.
That isn't his pic though, he said it LOOKS like that but it's not yellow and it's more purple.
What Surferido has is Aiptasia, confirmed from the link in my reply.


Get rid of those things asap!
Peppermint shrimp won't work if you are still cycling.
Now is the time to attack it with a syringe & lemon juice.