new pic of problem with toadstool ADVICE!!


love my reef
today when I checked on the toadstool it was almost off the rock it was attached to I noticed inside it was almost like a LG thorn and when I would put pressure on it, it would release a dark brown discharge and the smell was terrible!!! so what I did was cut off the head and I'm doing a dip with reef dip coral disinfectant by seachem the head looks like there is no disease on that part only the lower trunk that I cut off.. How do I re attach it do I glue it or just place it on a rock with mesh and rubber band and then I'm also going to put it in the frag tank. here are some pics of what I found inside of the trunk I also cut it open thinking maybe it was some type of worm but I didn't find anything?


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Thats just where the leather attached to the rock.Sometimes the base will grow down into a hole or something where it can get a good hold.
I honestly dont think your going to be able to help your corals untill you get your alkalinity stabilized.I think thats the whole problem.
YA I'm still doingf the water changes was not able to get it done yesterday getting ready to do one in just a few min. everything else in the tank look good !! I hope it stays that way the new lights will be here on Wednesday How do I attach the toad to a rock do I glue it ?
Rubberbands work great for attaching leathers to rocks.Just wrap the band around the rock and slip the leather under the band.