Clownfish, i am done


Team Liquid Force
I have about had it with clownfish. I have had 4 different clownfish and all were extremely aggresive. My black clown literally killed my (3) beautiful dispar anthia's. He wouldn't even let the anthias come out into the open water and swim. Each time they would come out, the clown would chase them back into the rocks. Now do to stress and not being able to eat, all three are dead. Now, in my ten gallon my little clown goby doesn't stand a chance because the percula is always beating on him. I couldnt even aquascape yesterday because the stupid clown kept bitting my hand and I must say he does have some sharp teeth, little bastard.

This pisses me off because clowns can be a very cool species of fish but I just don't want a tank with one clown in it.

end of rant

What are your experiences?
I couldnt even aquascape yesterday because the stupid clown kept bitting my hand and I must say he does have some sharp teeth, little bastard.

sorry - that's funny :lol:

What are your experiences?

Well I had a maroon clown that was 100% fine when small (from about 1") but slowly got more and more territorial / agressive as it got larger. no idea how he is now as we had to sell him when we moved, but he would not stand anything near himself, his rock, his anemone... hmm actually his tank :-) Never actually got bit by him though.
I have a pair of tomato clowns. I've had my large female for nearly 3 years now. She is only aggressive towards me or other fish if the get near her territory (a bunch of fuzzy mushrooms). I have a large tank though, so there's room for everyone.
This is actually pretty funny. I wish I was there to see it. I've heard of a few being defensive and territorial, but I guess it really boils down to personality. Fiesty thing!
my clown attacks me every time i put my hand in the tank. and it really goes crazy if i get my hand near the colt that it hosted. and their bites do sting a little.
I have a pair of tomato clowns. I've had my large female for nearly 3 years now. She is only aggressive towards me or other fish if the get near her territory (a bunch of fuzzy mushrooms). I have a large tank though, so there's room for everyone.
do they go after jill when she swims in their territory?
I once had a pair of maroons that were so docile.Strange because maroons suppose to be one of the most aggressive.Now,my clarks are SOBs,they also chase the anthias around.The only good thing is my tank is pretty big and there are so many the clowns can't focus on one.

I'll never get another clown again unless someone gives me some picassos or some other rare,expensive clowns.
I once had a pair of maroons that were so docile.Strange because maroons suppose to be one of the most aggressive.Now,my clarks are SOBs,they also chase the anthias around.The only good thing is my tank is pretty big and there are so many the clowns can't focus on one.

I'll never get another clown again unless someone gives me some picassos or some other rare,expensive clowns.

I am with you, I might even be pulling mine out and trading the little bastard for something useful. The other problem I have is the clown hosting corals and then killing them from stress, and I dont' want a anenome.
I'm exactly in the same boat as you, SSalty. So far my big tomato clown has killed a goni, a three-headed alveopora, 7 of 8 heads of torch, and 7 of 8 heads of hammer :(.
My clown nips at my hand and it startled me but it didn't really hurt. As I said in another thread size does matter! Do your clowns attack or chase larger and same size fish? My clown leaves other same sized fish alone --except my hand!
i went with the false perculas....i have no problems, and my kids still think its nemo:D

plus they are cheaper


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We have a false percula tank raised clownfish and it is a biter! I have to have someone keep the clown away from me when I aquascape. What hurts is if it gets the hair on your arm and yanks it! Ouchie! I have thought about getting a different one many times.
I have a false perc(I think) and she bites me too,I found a solution though

when you stick your hand in your tank and the clown starts to rage towards it tighten your arm up and stay still untill it swims away.

Then move to aquascape and if he/she does it again tighten your arm up and stay still until it swims away

keep doing this untill you r done aquascaping.

Tis seems to work in my tank so it may work in yours. Or you can jus buy some grabbers to aquascape.