

Reefing newb
I found this peeking out of my plant, is this a tube anemone???
Sorry about the pic,strange camera


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That looks like aiptasia. It's bad. Get rid of it. It will spread very quickly and sting your corals, it's a pest. You can smother it with a thick salt paste, a thick kalkwasser paste, or inject it with boiling water or lemon juice. There are also chemicals like Joe's Juice that you can buy at your LFS specifically for aiptasia. Peppermint shrimp will usually eat them too and are a good way to maintain an aiptasia free tank.
definitly aiptasia, i have one that keeps cropping up in the same area, i may have to feed it then hit it with my joes juice so it can't suck back into the hole when i hit it with the juice.
I swear by Joe's Juice. It is great stuff. It claims to be reef safe, but I would be hesitant to use it around or near corals. if a coral is within a few inches, turn off your powerheads to reduce flow so you can inject the aptasia dead on and not have any chemical spread to other, desirable critters. Make sure you hit it directly in the mouth as well. Good luck.

If its attached to a small rock/rubble or some algae I would just toss the whole thing out. Thankfully I have not had to deal with them buggers here....yet (knock wood).
