Fell in faster then I want to


Reefing newb
I came across a deal I couldn't pass up so I purchased it. Now I have a tank all setup with way too much algae on everything. How do I go about removing it when I move it into my tank? Also are these anemones good or bad. If good, how do I clean the rock without hurting them? If they are bad how do I get rid of them?


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What you want to do is to scrub each rock free from algae with either a tooth brush or a dish scrubber in a bucket of salt water before you put it into your new tank.

As for those anenomes, they look like majanos to me. Others will chime in to verify. If they are, use some apstasia X to get rid of them. Unfortunatly, peppermints are not know to eat majanos.
Looks fine to me, not sure what anem those are or even if they are anem's...for algea is it hair algea or just green algea on the rocks and glass? Turbo's should take care of most of the normal green algea, lawnmower blennys do good on hair algea so ive heard, bubble algea emerald crabs will take care of....
Looks fine to me, not sure what anem those are or even if they are anem's...for algea is it hair algea or just green algea on the rocks and glass? Turbo's should take care of most of the normal green algea, lawnmower blennys do good on hair algea so ive heard, bubble algea emerald crabs will take care of....

Sorry, here's a picture of the algea. Getting any fish is kinda out of the question right now. Funds are too low. :(


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Looks like typical hair algae.Mexican turbo snails for sure will eat hair algae and maybe trochus snails.

Those are definitely majano anemones.They multiply fast so Aiptasia X is your best bet.
After I use the apstasia X what do I do with the majano anemones? Just leave them in the tank or will they fall off & I just take them out? I think I made a mistake when I was cleaning the rock and tried to pry them off, they spit a bunch of stuff out into my scrub bucket. I read that that's how they reproduce. Am I in big doo doo now or are the larva easily rinsed off when I dipped them in the water?
Re: Fell in faster then I wanted to

I did a water test using API's 5 in 1 test strips. My readings are GH is 180, KH is 120, pH is between 7.0 & 7.5, NO2 is 0 and NO3 is 0. Salitity is 22ppt. Are any of these out of whack?

Next questions, I got all my LR cleaned and want to start transfering everything to my other tank. The sand really isn't sand, it's a gravel is that ok, or should I go by some sand?

I'm going to need to top up the tank, and since I only have 1 heater right now and my sump isn't up and running yet cause I need a pump for it, how do I get the water in the new tank up to the temp of the old water? I'm going to use as much of the old water as I can but the gravel is really dirty. I laid a base layer of it down in my new tank to cover the egg crate the rock is going to sit on, and rinsed it off in a net in a pail of saltwater I mixed up.

I wish I had more time to read up before I started but I couldn't pass up the deal I got.

on the box for aiptasia x it says it makes them implode.... so every time i use it, my parents know because i yell out 'IMPLOSIOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
on the box for aiptasia x it says it makes them implode.... so every time i use it, my parents know because i yell out 'IMPLOSIOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I was watching red sea's video for it. The imposion is great. I found 3 more little ones while I was cleaning rock today. I didn't get a chance to stop by the LFS to see if they had any or if i was going to have to make a run to London for some. I can't wait to watch it...maybe even video tape it and post it. :mrgreen:
Next questions are clean up crew. I have 3 hermit crabs, 6 snails, and an urchin. Not sure what kind of snails they are so here's a pic if it helps. It's behind the Hawkfish. I read from a post in here from Bifferwine about having;

Turbos are good for the glass and rocks. Astraeas are good for the glass. In a 55 gallon tank, I would get no more than four or five turbos, as they get really big really fast, and starve to death easily. For the astraeas, you can get a lot more, I'd start with 20 and if they keep your tank nice and clean, you don't need to buy anymore, but if they're not getting the job done, then you can always buy more.

Nassarius snails are another good one. They live in the sandbed and keep the substrate clean. You could go with another 20 or so of the small ones, or 10 of the big ones of those in a 55.

But what should I have in my sump which is a 35 gallon tank and is laid out in the other picture. Trust me they have lots to eat cause my tank is green and red again after 2 weeks of me cleaning the rock by hand. Should I move my hermits here and get an emerald crab for my DT?


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