Sen, i am not disagreeing with you that too much light can be a problem, what I do disagree with you about is how often that is a problem. You suggest too much light is the issue with every coral problem we have on here. I think its hillarious personally, i just wait and see how long it takes you post it for every thread. And from the way you tell it, you have about nearly killed every coral you have ever had with your big old 250 watt metal halide lighting. Which is funny because you mention that PAR is the best measurement of lighting intensity, but you only ever report the wattage of your coral killing light.
Also, in the first article you linked to, you missed two important things
1 - almost no work has been done wtih soft corals. Which is pretty important considering we all know how very different soft and SPS corals behave when the enviroment is changed and the conditions required for their best growth.
2 - the coral was never exposed to same maximum intensity of light the coral had naturally recieved in the ocean and in the holding tank. I also think this whole sudy supports another critical fact everyone in the hobby should know, you change the lighting, you have to re-acclimate the corals. Doing it too fast is damanging to coral, Ive done this myself to a few corals.
I also dont believe for one hot second all the people working at your LFS are marine biologist. It wouldnt matter if they were anyways, the courses required to get those degrees dont teach you anything about taking care of fish or corals in a home enviorment, and outside of the classes almost none of them study what is going on in our tanks vs the wild.
Finally, you should never ever assume that you are smarter than anyone on here. You know absolutly nothing about me, my background or what I do. You just look like an ass.