zoa frags

yea damn i cant tell you how many times ive glued my fingers,hair on my arm among other things trying to glue stuff,i go cheap with 3 tubes of the gel stuff for a buck at the dollar stores,you just throw the rest away no need to worry about recapping it,gives you enough to get done but no more
sometimes it does, didnt that time, that was the first thing i used, then vodka, then baby oil, then soaking y hand in water lol it was a nightmare
mushrooms dont glue so well because they get all slimy. Its easier to rubber band them to a rock and place that in a cup so they can attach to rock on their own.

All my mushrooms glued just fine but they have to have at least a tiny bit of rock, sand or rubble on the bottom for it to stick. They are slimy though so are my candy canes they get all snotty.