wow, look at this

Re: Not sure what it is....

Certainly a bad situation but before people jump the guy it should be kept in mind that his lfs most likely told him every thing would be fine as he was ringing up the 300 dollar+ stocking bill.

When the inevitable problems occur with this tank there is a good chance this guy will leave the hobby in disgust. Turning a potential long term customer into no customer at all. Oddly this seems to be the most common business model when it comes to lfs. Makes no sense at all.
Re: Not sure what it is....

Certainly a bad situation but before people jump the guy it should be kept in mind that his lfs most likely told him every thing would be fine as he was ringing up the 300 dollar+ stocking bill.

Yes, but that doesn't excuse his personal responsibility to do his own research. Especially when it comes to live animals. That's their fault, not anyone else's.
I missed the part where it said he put the anemones in after he had the tank set up for 2-3 weeks. The guy deserves to come down on hard when he obviously is not thinking about the well being of the animals in his care.
i guess maybe if he spends thousands of dollars an everything dies maybe he will give up. i feel bad for those fish. and him saying i know the tang will out grow the tank what about the koran
iggy184 (45 minutes ago) Show Hide
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Also if anyone has any suggestion for the type of live stock on this aquarium please let me know, your efforst are noted and appriciated.

iggy184 (48 minutes ago) Show Hide
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To all,

I want to thank you all for the great feed back I have taken all your suggestions under consideration and will be upgrading to a 55-70 gallon aquarium soon. Please do not worry about these fishes my local pet store will gladly refund my fishes, and I also have a friend that will take them off my hand. Also the comment on the anemones, just want to let you know they are doing great, I will be posting a new video soon. Thank you all for your time.
Biff,We've done the same thing at Bermuda.But it was never to leave the fish in a tank that was to small.The fish was always removed from the smaller tank ASAP.
Usually when there was something going wrong with one of the display tanks and we had to find a place for the fish real quick.
But you'r also right that a lot of the LFS will do it just to try and make quick sales.