Sorry bout the fish.
I usually have my water sitting for 2 days at least or sometimes over a week but then again I have done it in like 6 hours before but never had an issue.
Better to wait plus I don't have or didn't have fish at that time just a ton of other stuff. I have a Aqueon 500 and a Whisper Pump in there plus I stir it with a utensil in the beginning.
Even after just 5-6 hours my water is clear with nothing I can see and it is warm as well.
I use the Instant Ocean Reef Crystals and it always at least for me starts with a low salinity like 1.021 but usually when it hits like 1.024 I figure it is good to go plus that is usually when it feels warm.
Again others do it differently but there is usually a general rule. Hey they also say having high nitrates kills all your stuff which is basically true but my tank is packed with living stuff with high nitrates. Just got lucky I guess but I wouldn't recommend that at all.