Where is my saltwater going?

Mix your saltwater as close as you can the the tank water as far as Salinity and Temp. If you have to wait an extra day to get it right, take the time and let it mix for at least 8 hours and recheck it.

Low salinity - Top with Saltwater and check every 2 days. I persoanally have had to wait 2 weeks to get it higher but that is in my 80 Gallon Tank.

High Salinity - Change your water with straight RO/DI water. Maybe do 10% and wait 2 days and check topping with only RO/DI water.

My water changes/salinity

I let it sit for a week before I use it and it is always a little different on day 5 than day 1-2. I usually check it each day and adjust it by adding a gallon of water or like 1/4 cup of salt mix.

It can really change with just that amount in my 23 gallon mixes.

However when my salt was really low like .021, I mixed in on a 20% change .023 Salinity and it didn't have a bad effect but my tanks Salinity barely edged up but this gave me a kick start and I topped with the same saltwater for like 2 weeks before I saw a difference.

Many people have their own way and tanks of different sizes react a little faster/slower. I guess 10% is always a safe place to start if you see any trouble.

Checking the Salinity each week with a precise tool will help and don't wait until it is .02 the wrong way. Trust me you can kill something like a starfish but as far as fish and the rest of my tanks inhabitants they have never seemed to care.

Once it was .025 then it was .021. I aim for .022-.023. I would like to have the temp 76-77 but it is always 79-80.
You mean that plastic thing with the swing arm in it???

YOu need to check it with a refractometer....

Those hydrometer things only last about 6 months...which is where you are at. I would have the lfs check your salinity and buy a refractometer.

Thanks for the info .. I had NO Idea the hydrometers only lasted 6 months :shock: .. Should one just skip it and get a refractometer from the start ?
I have had to recalibrate mine 2 times in the last 2 weeks. I just added. 023 to .022 only 20% and it said. 025 so I slapped in some RO/DI and it said .001 maybe .0015 so I must be at .0235-.024 yayayayay
On the calibration fluid vs RODI. I initially calibrated mine with RODI, and I had noticed that, before I mixed my own water, the mix I would get from my LFS was reading around 1.028. I checked my meter against theirs, the only difference was the calibration solution. So, my tanks were really in the 1.024 range until I recalibrated, and adjusted the salinity.

On evaporation... I was losing a quart a day on my 65/20g sump. When I added a skimmer it doubled! When I added a refugium light, even more.