When to be concerned on MIA Firefish

Yea! Glad you saw him. My rock is pretty open and I can see it from 3 sides too. And when mine dives in there is NO seeing that fish! Which is why I said the other day they ARE great at hiding. :) Hopefully he will adjust and poke out more and more. Mine is out alot more. Rides the current most of the day now.
Well another day another sighting.

This time just a tailfin. Still hasn't came out to eat.

I am hoping he has grabbed some scraps....

These fish are CRAZY shy.....

Starting to think I pick terrible fish...

A Picasso clown that spends all day hanging at the powerhead, a blue spot jawfish who is cool but spends most of the time in his den and a purple fire fish that I never see..... It's a good thing my corals are doing well :)
Okay... I am happy to report that today he came out :)

He ate 14-15 pellets....I guess 5 days with little to no food makes you hungry.

Here he is....named appropriately by my 4 year old son "Spyro"

PS - I turkey basted out the extra pellets :)