When to be concerned on MIA Firefish


Mr. Paranoid
Hi all,

I added a Purple firefish last night just after lights out.

He immediately dove into the rocks.....never to be seen again.

I have a very tight fitting lid so hopefully that isn't it.

I fed twice today to try and get him to come out but nothing.

I have looked everywhere.... he is nowhere to be found.

I have read these guys hid quite often when first introduced but its been a full day and no signs of him. The only other tank mates are a Picasso clown, a Bluespot Jawfish and CUC (no crabs)

Firefin's are notorious (mine anyways) for being skiddish at first. I added one and then didn't see him for days, then he magically was out one morning when I got up and has come out ever since.
My firefish went MIA for THREE WEEKS. I left him for dead...but he turned up after 3 weeks...he was just hiding under the rocks. :D He was skinny, but he's still alive.
Wow...3 weeks!!! He wasnt coming out to eat or anything?

When he first went into the tank he dove into one of the jawfish's burrows...no chance the jawfish did him in?
They will come out and eat just not when you are there. they will pick at things etc. Just don't worry for now I am sure your fish is fine. Most dead fish become visible real quick...
I have had mins hide in tha rocks for days at a time. So long I'd think for sure the Brittle Star had gotten them for sure. Then out of nowhere they appear healthy and happy.
I have had my Firefish for a week now. He Was fine day 1 til Actinics came on. Days 2-3 I didn't see him at all. Starting day 4-4.5 he came out when Daylights were on, but hid when Actinics or Moonlights were on. Since day 5 he is out and about off and on at any given time. Right now the Actinics are on and he's bouncing in the current hanging out in the center of the tank.....
Coming on day 4..... Still no sign if him

no ammonia spike as of yet....

I read they were shy..... Not seeing them for weeks... Not what I was hoping for...

Hopefully, all will get better soon.
I really feel for you, and hope it does come out and all is better. I think you will be ok, if you have not seen the remains yet, I still would assume he is alive.

Just wait it out which is the hard part.=/
I really feel for you, and hope it does come out and all is better. I think you will be ok, if you have not seen the remains yet, I still would assume he is alive.

Just wait it out which is the hard part.=/

I agree. I don't have a ton of rock, but when mine hides at night, there is no way I can see him. No matter what angle I look. Darn things are really adept at hiding in there. :)
Coming on day 4..... Still no sign if him

no ammonia spike as of yet....

I read they were shy..... Not seeing them for weeks... Not what I was hoping for...

Hopefully, all will get better soon.

You might not have an ammonia spike if your CUC already got to him, which is their purpose anyway. Sorry to be a downer :grumble: I hope he turns up though!
After 4 days,I'd consider him KIA.
Even though they are good at hiding,you should still get a glimpse of him in 4 days time.
The thing with firefish,is their so small that it dont take long for the bristles worms to clean the bones.
After 4 days,I'd consider him KIA.
Even though they are good at hiding,you should still get a glimpse of him in 4 days time.
The thing with firefish,is their so small that it dont take long for the bristles worms to clean the bones.

HAH! I'm living proof that it's not good to count them out :D My firefish was MIA for 3 weeks -- no sign of him in any rocks...yet, out he popped, all skinny. My one chromis, same thing...MIA 2 weeks or so (or maybe a week?) and out he popped at the end in my sump after most likely being trapped between baffles :)

I've actually learned to deal w/ fish loss. I took the clownfish loss the hardest, since he was my first one along w/ his mate, and he seemed healthy, if not skinny before he disappeared. But after having 2 fish pop back in after I swore they were cuc food, I don't get as bothered. I'm sure once I get bigger fish I'll feel bad if they die though.
I am sorry but I think he is a goner. I've killed a few fish and have only ever recovered 1 body. They just simply disappeared. Crabs eat em pretty quick I guess. It's possible to get some ammonia from a decay of a fish especially in a new tank. New tanks really can't keep up stuff like dead fish or one over feeding time. You may want to do a few water changes just to decrease the stress the ammonia could have on other fish in the tank.
Sad to say...I think that too... Shy or not...my rock work is pretty open and I can get all around 3 sides so I can see pretty much everywhere... I think he is a goner too...
okay this is hilarious... literally....I hit the post button and my wife called me saying to come very very slowly.

I did and caught a very small glimpse of my new purple firefish.

He then hid....and nearly immediately came back out in the back corner. This time something spooked him and he literally crashed into the sand and he hasnt not come back out.

I dumped some garlic soaked mysis in the corner I saw him in...but nothing as of yet.

Tried searching for him now....and nothing. This is a true master of hiding.
HAHA Wow now thats cool. I would definitly get that ammonia under control then. I guess this means +1 Wonton? She did keep saying don't give up.