What's up with my salt levels?

Catherine....lmfao! That is a funny story but its nature...i cant stop laughing. The Very Nice Creepy Guy was just showing you why you dont really want that fish. I love pinacle predators.

That tells me a lot about you :shock: Remind me to keep you on my good side!

Its not like I feed kittens to snakes or anything. What would you rather look at, at the zoo. A rabbit or a tiger? Im a tiger kinda guy. The fuzzy bunny doesnt do much for me.
I understand, it's just nature. Bunnies, tigers, goldfish... I get it. I like the tigers, tiger fish and the shark tanks... Just because I'm a vegetarian doesn't mean the shark has to be. He just was a little too happy and calm at the same time.
I'm with Ryan here. I LMAO when I read the blog. I guess for me I don't understand why people would think that fish don't do that. It's nature, a lot animals do it other animals to survive, but when it comes to fish...They think it just doesn't happen. Hummm...Fish eating fish??? No...it can' be true.

I see your point Picasso, that the guy seemed excited about it. I see his point too though, he veiwed the people as ignorant in the feild, and in his own way showed them that just because it's pretty doesn't mean it won't do things you may find absurd. If your armed with knowledge about this hobby, then that can't happen to you.
hey i have a picasso triggerfish that has a big white spot on the front of his snout. it looks to big to be ick, of course i usually think of ick as being little white specks. i have him in a 150 gallon tank with a emperor angel and a damsel. i dont think there is something wrong with water quality because the emperor angel would be the first to show signs. i think it maybe his diet. i feed him flakes, spurlina, and plankton as his last meal. it started out as a big spot two days ago and looks like it is growing. i would appreciate the help if anyone has experienced this on thier fish before, thanks.
I'm with Ryan here. I LMAO when I read the blog. I guess for me I don't understand why people would think that fish don't do that. It's nature, a lot animals do it other animals to survive, but when it comes to fish...They think it just doesn't happen. Hummm...Fish eating fish??? No...it can' be true.

I see your point Picasso, that the guy seemed excited about it.

OK, I understand that fish eat fish, and I understand that it is important to respect nature. Granted, I'm a bit squeemish but I don't expect others to be squeemish too. The puffer fish simply was being what he is, it took me back a little that the cute little smiling fishy was able to do that and smile the whole time. Kind of like TVNCG.... He wasn't excited, he was calm like Hannible Lecter calm. Thin wirey smile, slowly dropping fishes in..... It was creepy. He's a nice guy, he's always ready with advice and he goes out of his way to make sure I am a happy customer, I don't want to say anything negative about him. It was just, well, creepy.