What to put in sump


Reef enthusiast
Is there anything you can put in your refugium that only has a grow light ? I have the cheato and rock and sand. I had 3 bumble bee snails in there, haven't seen them since. I just wanted to know if I can put anything else in there besides the cheato.
+1 David.
Starfish would be good in the fuge,for eating any waste that settles.Some types of sponges to filter out micro-particles from the water.Theres a lot you can put in there to help with water quality.
Cool, I'll see about getting something to put in there. I wasn't sure since I only have a grow light. It looks kinds nasty in there. I like the starfish idea.
I had them in my tank, my LFS guy said they could be aggressive. So I put them in the refugium. You know, come to think of it, I did take some sand out of there a long time ago. It was too deep. OOPS !!!!!!
Bumblebees can turn on corals and eat them. I've had some bumblebees in my tank for 5+ years (the same ones the whole time) and have never seen them being troublesome, so I let them be. But they are a good choice for a fuge animal for that reason.
I keep lots of rock in my refugium and a big hunk of cheato. It makes a great breeding ground for pods. As fas as inhabitans go, I just stick to the basics - couple astrea snails to clean the glass, 1 turbo, maybe a couple cerith snails, a couple nessarius snails for the DSB and 5 or 6 hermits.

I'd like to get a star fish, but most of them eat pods - which is what I'm trying to grow for fish and coral food - so no starfish in my fuge yet.
I just have one rock, sand and a big piece of cheato. I'll get some snails and crabs. People come over and always open the cabinet to look at the filter, it doesn't look nice down there.