What to do on vacation?


Reefing newb
Im going to have to leave my house for a while this summer. i think the longest amount of time will be about 7 or 8 days. what should i do if im gone for more that a few days? i have a light timer and my room temp should stay level. How should i feed the tank?
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Get someone that you trust to take care of the tank. It's the only way to go. You never know what will happen when you're gone.
i dont think that leaving the tank in the hands of a 19 year old fraternity college student is the best way to go.... i think the fish would prefer nothing over beer
I went out of town recently, so I bought this http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2753147 from my LFS. They said that Eheim is the most reliable. I just took a few quality dry foods and mixed them real well and set it to feed 4 times a day. I then enlisted the help of a friend to simply check the temp, and overall appearance of my tank. Like you, all of my lighting is automated so feeding was the only issue. I noticed a little more algae on the glass than normal but I just did a larger water change and everything was happy! good luck
Usually,Fish will do fine for 7 or 8 days without food.They get more to eat off the rocks than you think.
But you'll need somebody to top the tank off.Or you can set up an auto top-off.
Usually,Fish will do fine for 7 or 8 days without food.They get more to eat off the rocks than you think.
But you'll need somebody to top the tank off.Or you can set up an auto top-off.
+1 yote forgot to mention that. I left A 7 gal jug of RODI and that was the only real work that my friend did while I was out.