What should I do with my lavender...


Reefing newb
My lavender is showing signs of white spot and ICk... I don't want him to infect my coral beauty or my eels... My two saddles died today, they were infected with something when I bought them... Should I take him out and vodka him, I don't have a QT setup... OR should I just keep watching him... I wrote the nastiest email to the fish store I bought them from... Everyone on the local reef group I am part of are trying to get this place shut down... Everything everyone has bought from them, has like an 80% death rate...
Sorry to hear you are having troubles. I wouldn't vodka him just yet. I'd at least give him a chance to fight it off himself. Lots of fish are able to fix themselves as long as you keep the water quality high and minimize stress. As long as it is eating, I'd say let it be.

Since you don't have a quarantine tank set up, I'd buy some garlic extract and start dosing that. I think you may have added too many fish too quickly, which is why you are seeing problems. Your tank is only 3 months old and you had two clowns, a tang, a coral beauty, and multiple eels? And if you are talking about a lavender tang, a 60 gallon tank is pretty small for that fish -- more likely to stress them and cause ich.
can you post a pic of the sick fish, might help with identifying what the disease is. Hope it is not Oodimium, cuz if it is....kiss your tank good-bye.

-Dr Marco :sfish: