what kind of fish?


Reefing newb
Hey guys, I was wondering if you guys could help me figure out what kind of fish/invert, I should buy for my tank next. Right now i have 5 nassarius snails,5 hermit crabs,2 common clownfish,1 skunk cleaner shrimp,1 royal gramma (That I have not seen since I put him in thier 5 days ago.) I want a new addition but Im not sure what I want. I was hoping you guys could recommed hardy neet critter. My paramerters are low and my tank has been running for a little under a mounth, Im not going to add the "critter" right away I dont want risk stocking my tank to fast. i was just wondering ur guys favorite critter and why. just so i can get an idea of wat i want in my tank.

thank you
Tank has been running for about a month? is it done cycling?

If yes, i would recommend maybe a flame angel or peppermint shrimp if you have aiptesia.
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get yourself a couple of anthias. they school and look awesome. flame angel is good too, but as a last fish cuz they get a bit territorial.

no i dont have aiptesia but thank you, and you know that there are more then one genus sold under pepperment shrimp and if you want them to eat ur aiptesia ur have to get the right one "Lysmata wurdemanni" just so you know
those anthias are really preatty fish i just looked at them on google thanks doc

they are just incredible fish. Bartlett's are the prettiest IMO. Get yourself some.... after you have a more established tank. Sounds like you are having a problem with cycling or something now. Wait another month before adding one.

Bartlett's cost $50+ apiece. Not a smart risk to take for a fish in a newly established tank.

How about firefish? Or a blenny of some sort?
The Diamond Goby Is A Pretty Fish, Keeps The Bottom Pretty Clean But Is A Jumper For The First Couple Days. At Least It Was For Me But Then Settled Down. He Is A Digger Though So Make Sure Your Rock Work Is On The Bottom Of The Tank. Good Luck !!!
oh, a Bartlett would be a signature fish, not the first. Just giving ideas of what he could have in his tank. Squampinis females are HOT as well (I just got one and it is now schooling with the Bartletts -really cool).

Diamond gobies are cool tho
