What is this weird fish/Creature?

batfish wonderer

Reefing newb

I'm new to this... I was in Morocco in July and saw this bat like creature in shallow salt water... There were quiet a few of them in the area swimming/flying through the water very slowly... It flapped it's 'wings' like a bird.... The large thick end was the head, at least I think it was, it was heading in that direction.... We even thought it was a black plastic bag at first! ... It was in the Essaouira area



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I have similar things here. We call them ink fish because anytime they're messed with they shoot out ink. I believe they're a type of sea hare. Here's a pic of what I have here...yours looks similar but solid black. They do "fly" through the water, and they are thick where I live.
They are literally like cows..they graze on the rocks of the jettis..They are EVERYWHERE here, lol..and they can get pretty big. They look like a giant winged slug. I found one this evening that was just shy of 8 or 9 inches.

They're very majestic in the water. The ink is bright pink/purple and it has a very distinctive smell.
I can get one for you :) I've seen them as small as 2". The ones in my area are mostly yellow. They seem to be pretty hardy.