What is growing in my Zoa's?

T Fades

Reefing newb
Hi All,

Have some stuff growing in one of my Zoa colonies. Not sure if it is hair algae or something else, maybe a feather duster of some sort. It is kinda hard to see in the pic, but the ends of this stuff seem to have a leaf like structure. Any thoughts?


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Kinda hard to tell, but looks like GHA. Is it growing any where else in the tank? I had the same thing happen at one point. I just pulled the colonies out, closed the polyps and pulled the hair algae with tweezers.
Looks like derbyisia( type of hair algae) pay attention to mag levels-1300+ high levels inhibit its growth-nip it in the bud now! tuff stuff to control-hows your water parameters?
I don't really wanna remove the colony from the tank as it is super glued/epoxied down. I honestly don't know my water params right now. Will check those tonight. Last time I checked, about a week or so ago, I only tested Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate, all of which were 0. Calcium was a little low at 380. I currently don't have a test for Alk or Mag, will have to pick some API tests for those.
Ha ha, welcome to the hair algea and briopsys wars! I get a bloom of algea on and off, usually means too much nutrient build up and the po4 test still reads zero. YOu need to double up on the water changes, and use good water! Cut your light back a little, remove as much as you can by hand. What kind of cuc do you have? Might pay to get some more snails and other algea eaters. Once that stuff starts, expect more, unless you do what we say. It grows like freakin grass fast and left unchecked. Once you remove the food source for the algea, it will brown up and start to fall off. Magnesium is part of it too, so check and dose that as well, the zoas will love the mg added. I'll bet you got that from some frag you just bought, remeber to dip all new corals when you acclimate them. It helps, especially on the sps for red bugs and stuff.
please dont dose unless you have a proven need of it. it a great way to cause problems by dosing unnecessarily.

You can get a magnesium test kit, if you have low magnesium with regular water changes - then dose.

Never dose what you cant test for
You see the part where I wrote "check and dose" right? Should I say "test with a magnesium test kit" instead?
sorry it sounded like you should just see what the level is and dose anyways. I was just clarify but i do admit i sound a bit like an ass. Sorry :(
Great advice by all. My CUC consists of a couple Nass, a couple Astreas, a couple Turbos, a couple Trochus, a Fire Shrimp, Cleaner Shrimp, and an Emerald Crab.

I will definately up the water changes and cut back on the lighting to about 8 hours a day (is that too little?).

Will get Alk and Mag tests to see where they are at too.

Thanks again, will report back after findings.