What is a sump


Reefing newb
Hi all,

Still just in the process of reading before I begin setting up my first saltwater tank and I keep coming across posts referring to a sump.

I dont currently have one of these and my LFS has not recommended one.

Can you let me know what a sump is, what it is used for, and whether I need one now or in the future.

a sump is an extra tank used either under the display tank or on the side of it, which is plumbed into the display tank.. it essentially gives you more water volume which makes your tank easier to keep stable. It also is a great place to put equipment like heaters skimmers and such, so they are not in view in the display tank. if a refugium is added which most of us do it is a great place to put chaeto or another form of macro algae, which helps to reduce nitrates and phosphates in the tank, along with a great place for pods to form and breed in safety form fish..
are all sumps working with tanks that have holes drilled and designed for them? is there any way to work a sump with a tank that is not drilled for a sump connection without drilling, perhaps with a siphon and return or does it have to draw from overflow?
Sure is! Google hang on back overflow.

well, well, would you look at that. now if i can determine the dimensions and one of these in proper size would fit on the side of my tank, we might be in business and i can get rid of my fluval and create a small basic sump with a skimmer under my tank! thank you!