What happened to my Rics?


It wasn't me!
I was scrapping the corners of my tank last week and when I went to replace the rock with all my Rics on it, I was viciously attacked by my female Clown. Needless to say it startled me and I dropped the rock face down. Could that be what is going on? Super stressed? All water perameters are fine, and nothig else in the tank is looking bad, just the Rics on this rock and a few Purple with blue spot mushrooms. The rock also sits right next to a good sized Toad Stool, could that have anything to do with it?
Kind of a light pink now, but were Orange and multi-colored
Second Shot of same ones
One on the back side of the rock
They are bleaching. Too much light or too little light. Mushrooms will turn white like that when bleached. The good news is, they usually have no problem coming back and regaining their old color once they are put in a better place in the tank. I doubt that you dropping them did that -- they are tough, and a short dip in the sand wouldn't bleach them.

How long have you had them? What lights do you have? Where are they in the tank?
I've had them for about a month now I guess. The are on the bottom left corner of the tank. I am currently running 2 250W MH, and 4 Blue 03 Actinics. Everything else in that corner seems to be doing fine. There is a rock with about 20 Green striped shrooms next to it. I'll get a pic and post it as well so you can see the placement.
Here are the pics. They are on the rock in the left corner.
Pic one
Pic ywoSeems like there were alot more before as well. I think I originally counted 12 or 13. But not near that now.
My rics looked like that a couple of days after I added them to the tank. I moved them to a lower flow, higher light spot and they came back to their bright orange colors within about 2 weeks.
Nice lobos, both of them. It does appear that your rics are getting more light than the stripped ones. Slide them back some if you can and see what happens.
I think they were pretty healthy when i got them. But if you look at the pic you can see the leather getting blowen like a palm tree in a Miami Hurricane. So I'm thinking I might move them away from the high flow area.
Thank you Yote. But you know how it works for us. Everything can look fantastic, and you have that one anoying issue thatr just bugs the crap out of you. I'm hoping getting them to a place with less flow will help them come back to normal.