What food should I start off with?


Reef enthusiast
I'm getting ready to start adding life to my tank.
I'll start off with some cleanup crew and I'd like to maybe get a blenny (not sure which one) as my first fish.
What would be a good kind of food to start with???

mysis shrimp or marine cuisine are good just dont use flake of pellet food or brine shrimp. the flake and pellet food are high in phosphates and nitrates. and the brine has no nutrition in saltwater it is like feeding the fish candybars all day.
they are good arnt they. but i dont think i could live off of them:mrgreen:

<sigh> sadly, i suppose you are right. :grumble: ;)

I was looking around and saw that the marine cuisine you mentioned has a good mix of typical reef food. Sounds like a plan. Any particular brand favored over others or brands that I should stay away from? It would probably be easier just to get this at a local lfs if possible. I'll have to see what they have...

a 1/4th of a cube will be fine for one fish, just put it in a cup of water from the tank and stir it until its not in any junks and then just pour it into the tank. also emerald entree is another good one, its also by san fransico bay
If you are going to be starting with a blenny a lot of them are herbivores, you should get some type of algae sheet or spirulina tablets as well.
Keep things in prespective. the stomach of a goby or blemmy is smaller than a pea so feed sparinly at least two times a day. good luck.