Yes, you should read 0 on RO water...actually try to have it read above 0, then adjust it back down to 0...that way you know you're not adjusted BELOW 0
After further study... my caliobration fluid is REFERENCE fluid that should be EXACTLY equal to 35ppt Salinity. so it would be VERY VERY close to my DT water. Gonna give RO water a shot tonight and see whats up.
Our refractometers are made to measure saltwater, not seawater. There is a big difference. If you calibrated at 35ppt with calibration fluid, you should read slightly below 0 ppt with RO water.
Our refractometers are made to measure saltwater, not seawater. There is a big difference. If you calibrated at 35ppt with calibration fluid, you should read slightly below 0 ppt with RO water.
In fact, It read slightly below. I stopped by the LFS and grabbed a bottle of R/O and went home and claibrated the Refract. Then I used the 35PPT reference fluid and it was dead on 35, or 1.026.
Afterward i tested the tank water and it nailed 1.026
AMAZING how bad the mechanical SG testers fluctuate. Mine was WAY off
(1.023 with SG Mechanical Device, 1.026 with Refract)
Dang it well :pooh: my hydrometer says my tank is at 1.025 now I am wondering if I should lower it. I dont really think I can swing a refractometer right now. I have other stuff I need to buy for the nano build. Maybe I will lower it to 1.023 just to be on the safe side. :grumble:
Ted,If everythings doing alright,I wouldnt change it.Hydrometers can read high or low,so you really dont know until you've checked it against a refractometer.
+1 Kid
At the LFS I help at,we check and mark every hydrometer we sale.That way the customer knows wheres it reading at.We also suggest that they bring in once a month to be check,just in case its changed any.
You can get the same exact refractometers that they sell at marinedepot/drfosters for much cheaper on ebay, same models, different names depending on whose selling them.